I started out developing for the Mac with "The Objective-C Programming Language" but found it clumsy and kind of dense. In my opinion "Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X" by Aaron Hillegass (http://www.amazon.com/Cocoa-Programming-Mac-OS-3rd/dp/032150...) is much better in the way it introduces concepts, and flows from chapter to chapter. Well worth the investment if you're serious about developing for the Mac.
I found that Aaron Hillegass's book was decent enough as a tutorial, but halfway through it left me feeling like it raised too many questions without answering them. I was making toy apps but I didn't know what the hell was going on. Just my two cents.
EDIT: This is a serious question... The article is a pointer to iBook versions of free PDFs. I can't imagine why this has been so well received. You can even view the original PDFs in iBooks... What am I missing?
They are missing a few chapters compared to the online versions (easy to see which ones; just look at what chapter numbers were skipped in the contents). Still much easier to read than PDFs.