Yeah, I happen to live in an area that CL offers 6mbps maximum to, and it is weirdly in a minority-dense part of Seattle metropolitan. They have zero plans to expand to our area, they've stated repeatedly.
The city contract requires they service the lowest income parts of the city first, hence the extremely patchwork rollout over the last few years.
Due to the mandatory client base skew, the city is causing them to redline middle and high income areas of the city. Fiber is in Georgetown and Rainer Valley, but your SoL in Fremont's built up areas and in Sand Point.
Universal coverage should have been mandated, but its easy to end up like Kenmore (which required total Fios coverage from Verizon, now Frontier) and has seen Finn Hill go unserviced for years. Enforcement of the franchise contract is just as critical as initial negotiation.
Outside of a few select areas, most of Seattle only ever saw ADSL (or no DSL in parts of the north end) as we didn't allow large VDSL2 cabinets in the public ROW. I think this has caused Centurylink to build fiber in the city, as they've rarely overbuilt VDSL2 areas like Bellevue, Kent & Auburn.
I've noticed they seem to offer ADSL (6mbps) after 6pm or so at addresses that already have fiber, presumably their prequal database for fiber goes offline for a few hours a day.
I've called multiple times and schedule a check every three months to see if it's been updated. Been doing that for years. Won't give you my cross streets but I assure you, they have nothing for me.
They say it's available just a few blocks over. That's been the case for a long time and they can't seem to get it about 0.25 miles further. Been that way for years.
I'll throw stones as much as I like, thanks.