There are certainly lots of opportunities to make money on the Internet, though, only few do get it.
The point is to find out a niche and value your market, predict if it's going to make a ROI or not. Then work on it. You may need programming skills, you may not (copywriting, design, affiliate marketing...). However, the more skills you have the better, and the cheaper you'll bootstrap your business.
Persist. It won't be that easy and you may have to wait for months to get results.
And yes, this is really an amazing thing, to make money from the Internet, regardless of your location, language, country or education level. You are your own boss, you enjoy freedom and also an unlimited potential of income.
The point is to find out a niche and value your market, predict if it's going to make a ROI or not. Then work on it. You may need programming skills, you may not (copywriting, design, affiliate marketing...). However, the more skills you have the better, and the cheaper you'll bootstrap your business.
Persist. It won't be that easy and you may have to wait for months to get results.
And yes, this is really an amazing thing, to make money from the Internet, regardless of your location, language, country or education level. You are your own boss, you enjoy freedom and also an unlimited potential of income.