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> While IPv6 and DNSSEC are more complex than some alternatives

I'm not sure what you are getting at. IPv6 is pretty similar to IPv4 - and in some ways simpler - and I'm not aware of any other alternative. And I don't really see how DNSSEC (or IPv6) relates to anything else you are talking about - DoH addresses a different use case.

I intended them as general examples of people pushing against certain kinds of change in favor of simpler short-term options that favor or preserve centralization and complexity. I agree IPv6 does make many things simpler, but moving to IPv6 can be difficult and introduces some additional complexity (e.g. link-local addresses, shift away from DHCP, etc). The argument against IPv6 is that NAT is simpler if only because NAT is already the status quo, and we already have "solutions" to deal with the limits of small address spaces. How many people use Cilium with IPv6 transport instead of UDP over IPv4 over VXLAN?[1]

Local DNSSEC doesn't solve ISP confidentiality but it does prevent NXDOMAIN substitutions, which is one of the biggest immediate benefits for browser-based, default-enabled DoH/DoT. And one argument for doing DoH/DoT to centralized servers rather than locally is that it partly obviates the need for DNSSEC--it's "simpler" because it doesn't depend on orchestrating larger infrastructure changes. (I guess the logic is that without DNSSEC centralization is inevitable anyhow, and if people are convinced that ubiquitous DNSSEC will never come than doing DoH/DoT in the browser vs at the system resolver is a distinction without a difference. A poor argument but implicit nonetheless.)

[1] At work I suggested Cilium with IPv6 and IPsec for policy and LAN confidentiality of K8S clusters but everybody thought I was nuts and favored Cilium's UDP+IPv4+VXLAN mode and transparent Istio proxies for automagic mutual TLS. Why? Because it's what they know and understand and they can reasonably expect everybody else will make the same judgment. It's ultimately a much more complex, error prone, less performant, and less flexible approach but it's the path of least resistance. And in the long-term the complexity will mean proprietary managed solutions will prove that much more enticing, an irony apparently invisible to people who believe K8S will keep them independent of AWS, Azure, etc,

I don't have much to say regarding your work issue with IPv6 and a K8S cluster. However, I do have some comments regarding DNSSEC:

As I understand it, there you have basically 3 options for local DNS w/ DNSSEC - 1) you can run a local recursive resolver, such as BIND; 2) You can use a non-validating stub resolver which requires that you trust the the recursive resolver you use _and_ the channel to the resolver; or 3) You can use a validating stub resolver. The problem with option 3, is that I don't believe it's possible to do DNSSEC validation for a record without fetching a bunch of parent records - so you end up running something that looks a lot like a recursive resolver with a cache, so, its really not clear to me why someone would do this over option 1.

Anyway, that basically leaves you with two options: a recursive DNS server or you have to trust the recursive server that you do use and the channel to the server. While its fine to run your own recursive server if you want to, there are legit reasons someone (such as myself) wouldn't want to - its another service to manage and it may not perform as well as a shared cache in a recursive server someone else is maintaining. What that leaves me with, is that I want to use a non-validating stub resolver and I suspect that is true for most people as well.

Unfortunately, as DNS traffic is not encrypted, when I use a non-validating stub resolver, it's easy for anyone that can eaves drop on my traffic can log where I'm going. Anyone that can modify traffic, can send me whatever responses they want. It doesn't matter if the domain I request is protected by DNSSEC if someone in the middle sends me back a bogus response that my resolver has no way to verify.

DoH actually works alongside DNSSEC in some situations - by encrypting the channel between my stub resolver and a validating recursive resolver, it means that DNSSEC validation can't be easily stripped out by someone that controls whatever local network I'm connected to.

Even with a local validating recursive resolver, you have little protection against NXDOMAIN substitutions and the like unless the domain you are talking to has DNSSEC enabled. However, DNSSEC is being slowly deployed and, in my opinion, it's very unclear if it will ever get to 100%. Unless it does, something like DoH still has value in protecting users from interference on the local network for non-DNSSEC domains.

My points: I don't think that a Local DNSSEC resolver running on everyone's computer is realistic; DoH actually benefits DNSSEC by securing the channel between a stub resolver and a validating recursive resolver.




1) You don't need to personally maintain your local resolver. The OS can do this for you. Linux+systemd and OpenBSD already come with this out-of-the-box, and macOS and Windows could feasible do this as well. (IIRC some macOS services already rely on an internal caching resolver, anyhow.) OpenBSD 6.5 almost shipped with DNSSEC verification enabled by default but they decided at the last moment that it still caused a few too many headaches.

2) DNSSEC isn't a panacea and there are absolutely problems with depending on it. And of course it doesn't directly address the confidentiality issue, either. My point is simply that too many technically-oriented people are willing to throw up their hands; they'll give centralized DoH/DoT to Google and Cloudflare a pass as a fait accompli but endlessly bikeshed the downsides to DNSSEC.

In truth DNS confidentiality is a fundamentally difficult problem because DNS is fundamentally centralized, as would be any system reliant on recognizable identifiers for its namespacing. And while we can maybe trust Cloudflare and Google today that can easily change, and there's no going back once we centralize even further--as described by another poster who described how is ubiquitous enough at this point that it has set expectations for actual resolution behavior. It's not DoH or DoT that is the problem, per se, it's the fact that it will be enabled by default and be performed by the browser directly to Google and Cloudflare.

Authentication is solvable, however, and while more difficult to orchestrate DNSSEC usage, the result would be preferable long-term compared to making Google and Cloudflare yet another point of centralization. Even if you think DNSSEC sucks it represents at this very moment a stark choice between a whole universe of sucky options in the future versus vs the preservation of our ability to pursue better options down the road, independent of its specific merits. Would you prefer DNSCurve over DNSSEC? Once they broker most DNS traffic both Google and Cloudflare will have an even stronger incentive to promote the most baroque alternatives because additional complexity favors the large incumbents, just as large corporations, once regulation becomes inevitable, will lobby for particularly complex regulations requiring particularly costly compliance as a barrier to competition.

And, again, it doesn't require you to necessarily do anything. You don't need to be a mechanic to understand the value in preserving the viability of being a mechanic.

The main challenge I see in what you are advocating is that it's not clear to me how to avoid having a large, centralized recursive resolver such as or, without increasing DNS query time or having to deal with badly behaved ISP resolvers.

* We've tried having ISPs run recursive resolvers - and many ISPs demonstrated that they either ran slow servers, servers that sent back faked responses, or both.

* DNSSEC lets you validate a response, thus getting rid of faked responses. However, even if the OS making running a local DNSSEC validating resolver easy, I don't see how that can be made fast. In order to validate any response, it has to be validated up through the root, which requires more requests. Caching helps, but, it still won't be as fast as a well implemented shared cache.

* It seems like it would be possible a central cache to return all of the signatures up through the root in response to a request to allow for local verification. That would solve the extra requests issue while ensuring that all responses are genuine. So, even if an ISP wanted to send back bad responses, they couldn't. However, it's my understanding that there are real advantages to keeping DNS requests and responses to below ~1,280 bytes to fit inside of single transport frames - having to send all of that extra data seems like it would make it hard to do that. Since DNSSEC uses RSA keys, which are huge, that would probably be impossible, but even with EC keys, it might be tricky. Also, it doesn't really address the very real issue that some ISPs have done a poor job by running slow DNS servers.

* Any solution that doesn't involve some sort of centralized cache, is going to have a hard time keeping up with or performance wise.

So, while I value decentralized solutions, it just feels like it's a very difficult proposition for a decentralized solution to win when it's at a performance disadvantage.

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