"Deep learning is an amazing technology and hugely useful in itself, but in my opinion it's definitely not enough to solve AI, [not] by a long shot," [Hassabis] said
"I would regard it as one component, maybe with another dozen or half-a-dozen breakthroughs we're going to need like that.
To me these quotes don’t support the idea that deep learning is at a dead end. We are only just beginning to get it to really work for real world problems and I think that will take off a lot in the coming years.
Even if all you care about is general AI, there is still a lot of progress that needs to be made within DL.
I think the point is just that we should be open to other approaches because they will be needed as well
"I would regard it as one component, maybe with another dozen or half-a-dozen breakthroughs we're going to need like that.
"There's a lot more innovation that's required." https://www.techrepublic.com/article/google-deepmind-founder...
I presume this is the thing - I don't think he actually said 'dead end'.