I don't have much knowledge about certificates, except from what I read on this mail list. But are there are other CAs active (in mozilla's root trust), using 64bit serial?
Mozilla doesn't have a big team of investigators wandering about looking for possible problems. The CAs could dob themselves in (filing a "problem report" that says they broke this rule and what they're doing about it) or an independent researcher could write to m.d.s.policy about a problem they found. Otherwise it may go undetected forever.
Most interest is focused on problems that either directly indicate a grave problem (e.g. some researcher got a CA to issue for example.com when they shouldn't because that researcher doesn't control example.com) or suggest a management problem that could hide further grave problems from us (e.g. Symantec had paperwork that directly contradicted the operational behaviour of CrossCert, so why did we notice the problem before they did?)
The 64-bit entropy rule isn't such a problem. CAs should use random values here because it protects us against a problem with the secure hash function (SHA256 usually these days). If the hash function is slightly broken the random numbers buy us time to get a new one. But if you have 63-bits instead of 64-bits, it's not like that's the difference that makes an attack viable. It's just a technical violation, it's a Brown M&M in that sense. The rules say to do it, and they didn't, so we are more worried than otherwise that they are not obeying the rules.