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ICANN Calls for DNSSEC for All Domains Following Domain Hijacking Attempts (icann.org)
324 points by teddyh on Feb 24, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 200 comments

This is nonsense, and possibly crossing the border from ignorant nonsense to malicious nonsense.

DNSSEC ensures that received DNS records are signed by an entity authorized to publish changes to the domain. It does not ensure, in any way, that this entity is publishing the right changes. It protects you against man-in-the-middle attacks, but not "hijacking" as usually envisioned. The linked article https://krebsonsecurity.com/2019/02/a-deep-dive-on-the-recen... identifies multiple cases of registrars saying that someone broke into their web interface (either by determining valid account credentials, or finding a flaw in the web interface). DNSSEC is not designed to protect against these attacks. As that article points out, some of the victims did in fact have DNSSEC set up.

As 'tptacek pointed out a few days ago, many .gov and .mil domains have DNSSEC and were nonetheless victims of DNS hijacking attacks. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19180817 The US government is correctly not insisting on additional rollout of DNSSEC.

I myself have been a victim of DNS hijacking: in January 2013, someone hijacked mit.edu and (among other things) redirected the MX records to non-MIT servers. https://thetech.com/2013/01/23/hack-v132-n63 I lost email to my mit.edu address as a result, and if the attacker were interested in targeting me (or targeting MIT account holders in general) they could have triggered password resets by email, etc. They got in because they apparently knew the password for MIT's account at EDUCAUSE, domain registrar or guessed it on the first try. DNSSEC would not have prevented this. The attacker would have simply instructed EDUCAUSE to sign the records, or instructed EDUCAUSE to update the public key to one under the attacker's control.

And, for bonus points, had they done so, they likely would have been able to lock out MIT of regaining control of the domain for longer than it actually took.

As long as domain validation is the standard for getting certs, the security of the DNS system will be part of the security of DNS.

At the moment, DNSSEC is the only off-the-shelf authenticated DNS system. We need that authentication between the DNS servers and the Certificate Authorities. DNSSEC between the DNS server and hosts doesn't matter much. There are other ways to MitM, and insecure fallback is inevitable.

In the end, the DNS system is what we use for identity management, so it should be authenticated. As the recent attacks have shown, the actual administration of the DNS servers (Registrars) also needs to be secured. That is not DNSSEC's role.

But in our current system, if a registrar is compromised, the system is compromised anyway. I'd love to hear an idea that obviates the need to trust Registrars. Without such an option, I don't think 'this doesn't defend against DNS account hijacking' counts, because nothing defends against DNS account hijacking.

Once someone has that account, you are fucked. HPKP is essentially the only thing that could save you, and that has (rightly) been deprecated.

There is in fact very little evidence that we "need" the authentication provided by DNSSEC. Here we have an illustration of a phenomenon we've seen repeatedly: an attack for which DNSSEC has absolutely no utility, used deceptively as an argument for the necessity of DNSSEC. The same was true of claims that DNSSEC was a necessary response to BGP hijacking a few months ago.

If there were actual routine attacks that DNSSEC was seriously defending against, you don't think its advocates would be sounding their trumpets about them incessantly? Occam's Razor argues emphatically that the attacks DNSSEC deals with aren't occurring.

Meanwhile: if the reason we need DNS security is for certificate issuance, DNSSEC is a stupid way to get that. We can and will create a secure channel directly between CAs and registrars (one such system is RDAP, the upcoming replacement for WHOIS). We also have systems in place that have demonstrably defeated misissuance, most notably certificate transparency, which does not in any way depend on DNSSEC. CAs can and will do multi-perspective DNS lookups, which are valuable (though imperfect) even against the BGP attacks that completely bypass DNSSEC.

The history of Internet network security is largely the history of higher-layer systems routing around the insecurity of DNS; an insecure DNS is practically the premise of Internet security. And throughout that entire history, going all the way back to when I was in high school in the early-mid 1990s, DNSSEC advocates have been trying to foist this boondoggle of a protocol onto us. It was annoying when it was just a bad cryptosystem that was impossible to configure. But now it's a key escrow system as well. Fuck that. DNSSEC is still failing. Let it fail all the way away.

I get it, it’s cool to shit on DNSSEC. But let’s talk about defense in depth. The way you solve account hijacking is two fold. First: authenticate records. Second: don’t trust registrars to produce the contents of records. Reduce registrars to a simple ledger indicating which key to trust for a domain along with the length of the lease. Make people take care of their keys. If a registrar does offer to sign records on an owner’s behalf, maybe don’t use it for security critical services like email.

I don’t think the desire to authenticate data coming from the internet’s global public key-value store is ludicrous.

Every useless security product ever pitched has justified its existence with "defense in depth".

Let's just secure the perimeter and live in a world of VPNs and negligently open hosts. I'm not strictly arguing that DNSSEC is a good thing. But I do think it makes sense to authenticate data flowing across general networks, no? You're saying the problem isn't a problem because part of the solution is stupid today. I guess it's job security for security professionals to have insecure things floating around that need additional security? At least some people want to solve the problem. The internet as it exists today being engineered around insecure DNS is not a feature. Name one other scenario where there's a preference for no security.

People used to say the same thing about the boot process. Now we have secure boot. Maybe that's just stupid too but I feel a lot better knowing that my hardware is booting verified images than whatever happens to be sitting at some address in unprotected memory (as long as I remain the owner of the key).

Let's not have negligently open hosts or DNSSEC. In fact: that's pretty much what competent operators do today. See! No changes needed.

> Every useless security product ever pitched has justified its existence with "defense in depth".

Even if this is true it is also shallow, misleading and IMO more of a master suppression technique[0]: even if we accept it as true it doesn't mean the opposite is true (i.e. that everything that is marketed as "defence in depth" is a useless security product.

[0]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Master_suppression_techniques

You're rebutting an argument that I didn't make. What I said was that "defense in depth" is a weak argument. I didn't say that any solution that invokes "defense in depth" is bad. DNSSEC is bad on its own merits.

How does (2) solve the problem? Why wouldn't the attacker just replace the key with their own?

To do so they would have to pop the registrar's account/service, not an individual domain owner's.

How does the registrar know which key to trust? There must be some way for the domain owner to indicate their key, and to replace it if they lose it; essentially, a website where you login and upload your key, much like you currently login and configure your records.

> Let it fail all the way away.

Given that just about everyone here recognizes the bad faith shown by ICANN on this issue, it seems to be an act of desperation on their part. Why? They've invested a lot into DNSSEC and are emotionally wrapped up in it, despite better alternatives. And maybe more importantly, if you consider DNS an asset, then its value rises by stuffing more "value" into it such as key escrow. Therefore DNS's principal holders (ICANN, TLDs) would see their asset depreciate if DNSSEC fizzles and dies.

RDAP sounds great, that'll essentially do what I think DNSSEC is for now. I'm going to look into that more.

For it to really help though, DV using DNS needs to stop working. That's going to take a while, but I guess the same goes for convincing all Registrars to use DNSSEC. In that sense, it seems like IANA should be pushing for RDAP.

Certificate Transparency logs are kind of orthogonal to DNSSEC and DV though. The main value in Certificate logs is forcing CAs to act honestly. CA's not getting accurate DNS records is not completely something the CA's can prevent, because they can't authenticate DNS records. Though certainly, they can do their best by using multi-perspective look-ups and other things.

I still think it's scary that registrars have ultimate power over issuance. They seem like the next weak link after CT logs are widespread enough to defend against rogue CAs. Luckily, it is harder for a registrar you don't use to claim your domain, so it is easier to defend by choosing a registrar you trust.

RDAP is just a JSON based version of whois and the registrars and registries will produce the data from the their records the same way they do now.

If an attacker removes DNSSEC at the same time as making name server changes there is no way to detect a difference from a legitimate change.

RDAP is an extensible and uniform channel directly to registrars. CA/B forum has already discussed using it as a DV proof.

An other view of the history of Internet network security is largely the history of plain text protocols getting encryption and authentication. As much as some is arguing against the introduction of authentication in DNS, there are a similar push in the opposite direction where people instead want to add encryption.

For now most of that discussion is the two dominating methods to get encryption and authentication between the user and recursive resolver, but there are plenty of good reasons why we want the same standard of security between recursive resolver and authoritative resolver.

> An other view of the history of Internet network security is largely the history of plain text protocols getting encryption and authentication.

Telnet was replaced by ssh, but they're both connection-oriented protocols that create a session between two endpoints. The same is true of the transition from X to X-over-TLS for the various values of X.

DNS isn't really a connection-oriented protocol to begin with and DNSSEC isn't really a protocol at all, it's a collection of DNS records for use in signature verification. Moreover, it's not encryption, only signatures. It doesn't provide privacy protection. The DNS equivalent to the transition to ssh or TLS would be something like DNSCurve, which is a transport protocol and does encrypt the data.

Note that we actually got what DNSCurve was offering, in the form of DoTLS and DoH.

Not entirely. The promise of DNSCurve is that the authoritative servers can use it too. If they do, it can secure the queries between the recursive resolvers and the authoritative servers as well, and inherently provides secure delegation between administrative boundaries when the parent and child domain both use it.

DNS over TLS/HTTPS typically only secures the link between the client and the resolver, and does so at the complexity cost of bringing in all of TLS and its problematic CA system, and HTTP on top of that for DoH. And the proposals to make it work to the authoritative nameservers have it using DANE (i.e. DNSSEC).

There is no reason that the authorative DNS Server couldn't use DNS over TLS/HTTPS as well.

TLS could be used in much the same way that a mining truck could be used by a letter courier service. You can, doesn't mean you should.

With DNSCurve, when you have a delegation from one authoritative server to another, the parent domain provides the name of the child domain's nameserver, which encodes its public key. Then you use the public key to communicate with the child nameserver. The key distribution is part of the protocol.

To use TLS, you would either have to rely on the CA system with all its problems (any malicious CA can forge any name and many are operated by potential adversaries), or DANE, and then we're creating a dependency on DNSSEC rather than replacing it. Worse, you have to choose one or the other for everyone or else support both as options and have the worst of both worlds in combined complexity and lowest common denominator security.

The overhead of DoT/DoH is also worse in the recursive case. Between the client and the recursive DNS server, creating a TLS session is expensive but at least then you can keep it active and use it for all your queries. In the recursive case the queries go to/from many different authoritative servers, each with low probability of reusing the connection such that keeping it active long is counterproductive. So you're moving from a single UDP request and reply to a full TCP handshake + TLS handshake for as little as a single query. This adds both computation and latency.

Moreover, the one redeeming quality of DNS over TLS/HTTPS is avoiding interference by middleboxes, which exists almost entirely in the context of client devices on restrictive networks rather than the links between recursive and authoritative DNS servers.

DNS is just as much a connection-oriented protocol as http. It just happens that DNS uses caches a bit more than the web because of "reasons", so we got all those caches called recursive resolves being the default.

An early argument against HTTPS was that you could not use web proxies any more. Today we don't normally talk about that, in part because the caching was moved away from the middle and into the server end.

The discussion around how useful DNSSEC misses the point that what history has shown is that authentication without encryption is like encryption without authentication. We need both and preferable done yesterday.

>DNS is just as much a connection-oriented protocol as http

DNS (UDP) is a strictly connection-less protocol. There is no state, there is no transport guarantees, its total fire-and-forget.


DNS runs just fine over TCP.

At the moment, DNSSEC is the only off-the-shelf authenticated DNS system. We need that authentication between the DNS servers and the Certificate Authorities. DNSSEC between the DNS server and hosts doesn't matter much. There are other ways to MitM, and insecure fallback is inevitable.

Your reasoning is of the form, "We need something. This is something. Therefore we need this."

No, actually we don't. We don't need this unless we can demonstrate that it makes things better in the real world, with real problems that people really encounter.

The problem isn't simply that it fails to protect against DNS account hijacking. The problem is that it makes the common problem of DNS account hijacking even worse than it is now. Which means that it makes an existing problem bigger than it is now.

Yes, it also solves another problem. But now we have to look at it as a tradeoff between two problems, decide which is worse, and decide accordingly. Every security professional and network admin that I trust finds the tradeoff obvious, and not in DNSSEC's favor.

> Your reasoning is of the form, "We need something. This is something. Therefore we need this."

Pretty much, though I would rephrase it to:

X seems useful, Y is the only realistic way to get X soon, so Y has a valid use case.

Notably, tptaeck mentioned RDAP which might make "Y is the only realistic way to get X soon" wrong.

To give an example of how things get better in the real world: Let's Encrypt won't issue a certificate if your DNSSEC records are invalid.

Sadly, if you can spoof DNS replies, you can probably strip the DNSSEC records. You need fail-closed systems for security, but fail-closed systems are not user friendly, and thus won't be accepted.

> if you can spoof DNS replies, you can probably strip the DNSSEC records

You can't. DNSSEC has explicit protections against that.

Those don't work if you claim to be a non DNSSEC compliant resolver. Should clients really fail closed when faced with a non DNSSEC resolver they got from e.g. the starbucks WiFi DHCP? And if they should, do you really think they will? Because users will complain loudly.

Clients, no. Certificate Authorities like Let's Encrypt, yes. (And in fact, they already do behave that way.)

To secure against these attacks, registrars and dns hosting providers need to improve the management of the zone. Things like allowing NS, DNSKEY, and DS record updates to be authorized separately from other record management. To limit the general updates to standard DNS records.

This doesn’t fix the problem of course as access can still be gained to the master admin account if it’s credentials have been compromised, which is true about nearly every service on the internet. DNS is no different, except of course that it’s critical to serving traffic to a site.

I agree with the GP in that ICANN is being dishonest in encouraging DNSSEC as a response to hijacked accounts. What they should be pushing for is better security practices, like 2FA, by the registrars and more authorization limited options for limiting the exposure of an account to common updates versus less common more critical ones.

Isn't dnscurve a better alternative? Dnscrypt? Etc

dnscurve and dnscrypt handle a different use case than DNSSEC. DNSSEC allows for the records in a DNS zone to be verified via signatures, also stored in the zone, RRSIGs, against keys also registered in the zone, DNSKEYs, which are pinned to the zone along with the NS records in the parent zone via a record called a DS record.

dnscurve and dnscrypt are in the same space as DNS-over-HTTPS, DoH, and DNS-over-TLS, DoT. What they do is authenticate the dns server (resolver) and also encrypt the channel giving you privacy.

DNSSEC == authenticated records. dnscurve, dnscrypt, DoH, and DoT == authenticated and encrypted resolutions.

> DNSSEC == authenticated records. dnscurve, dnscrypt, DoH, and DoT == authenticated and encrypted resolutions.

But notice that authenticated resolutions get you authenticated records provided you do them all the way to the root. The root servers on down could support DNSCurve or similar and you could operate recursively using it, or have your trusted recursive resolver do so as you in turn reach it using the same mechanism.

Meanwhile that wouldn't break the cases where you want your DNS server to modify records, e.g. for blocking tracking domains.

Authenticated resolution does not give you authenticated records. You cannot verify that the response between root and your resolver wasn't manipulated or that some DNS Server in the chain is sending malicious responses, even if they had DNSCurve.

If the root was using DNSCurve, a request to the root would be authenticated, and so on all the way down for each domain that uses it. The recursive resolver would have authenticated responses from each authoritative nameserver from the root on down.

The recursive resolver could then provide a different response to the client, but the client could use DNSCurve to authenticate its DNS server as well, so the client only gets malicious responses if it configures a malicious DNS server.

And that would compromise anything. What happens to DNSSEC if the attacker replaces the client's DNSSEC root keys with the attacker's?

DNSCurve doesn't authenticate the records themselves. A malicious DNS Server can provide simply wrong responses and you cannot notice. There is no way to tell if a provider gave you a bad response.

With DNSSEC the DNS Server also has to advertise different keys, which is something you can notice in your resolver and alert too, for example if you already know the key is different via a side channel or you communicate with another resolver and they got a different key.

DNSSEC makes such manipulation obvious and also prevents in-transit tampering. Coupled with DoH/T you get all the benefits of both.

> DNSCurve doesn't authenticate the records themselves. A malicious DNS Server can provide simply wrong responses and you cannot notice. There is no way to tell if a provider gave you a bad response.

Sure there is. You do the recursion yourself and compare the result. If you do this 100% of the time, i.e. run your own recursive resolver, there is no need to even have a third party recursive DNS server that could potentially send malicious responses. If you do it a lower percentage of the time at random, or for specific queries you're expecting interference with, you detect the interference and know not to trust that DNS server anymore.

Comparing keys in DNSSEC is no better than this. If a MITM attacker has altered your root keys, the attacker can forge responses from any DNS server you use, unless you're using something that actually authenticates the recursive resolver (whether DoT/DoH or DNSCurve), at which point you can compare the query responses again and no longer need to compare the keys or use DNSSEC at all.

> DNSSEC makes such manipulation obvious and also prevents in-transit tampering.

Which is one of its flaws. Sometimes you want friendly in-transit tampering. With DNSSEC there is a fixed root of trust that everybody has to follow and nobody can choose for themselves or alter for a specific subset of the tree.

>You do the recursion yourself and compare the result.

I was talking about during recursion. Plus this is what I mentioned in my previous comment. This is about someone injecting responses on the network level and blocking proper communication or even having taken over an IP via BGP hijack, in which case the NS record might point to the correct IP but a malicious DNS server would be responding.

DNSSEC would detect this failure mode.

>Sometimes you want friendly in-transit tampering

In which case you likely have your own PKI to manage HTTPS MitM as well, so it shouldn't be an issue to run DNSSEC.

> DNSSEC would detect this failure mode.

So would DNSCurve.

If the root servers were using DNSCurve then you would distribute their public keys in the same way that you distribute their IP addresses, over some secure side channel such as your operating system's software update mechanism.

Once you have the public keys of the root servers, no one can impersonate the root servers to you without their private keys. The root servers can then securely give you the names of the gTLD nameservers. If they use DNSCurve, their public keys are encoded in the names of the nameservers and you can communicate securely with them as well, and so on down the chain.

Hijacking BGP doesn't allow you to impersonate any of the authoritative servers that have a chain up to the root using DNSCurve without having their private keys. You can also pin the public keys of any nameservers that don't have a chain up to the root for the same benefit for that subtree, e.g. if some gTLDs used DNSCurve but the root didn't, or to use between your clients and your company's authoritative DNS servers for your own domain.

> In which case you likely have your own PKI to manage HTTPS MitM as well, so it shouldn't be an issue to run DNSSEC.

This is regularly not the case. For example, sysadmins regularly map the most common tracking domains to a black hole in the resolver on the local network or local machine without doing any kind of HTTPS MitM.

>For example, people regularly map the most common tracking domains to a black hole in the hosts file for dnsmasq on their internet gateway without doing any kind of HTTPS MitM.

This behaviour doesn't break under DNSSEC; the blackholed domain either blackholes or the resolver fails due to the bad signature and effectively blackholes as well.

>If the root servers were using DNSCurve then you would distribute their public keys in the same way that you distribute their IP addresses, over some secure side channel such as your operating system's software update mechanism. [...]

And what does that gain you over DNSSEC+DoT/H other than being non-standard?

> This behaviour doesn't break under DNSSEC; the blackholed domain either blackholes or the resolver fails due to the bad signature and effectively blackholes as well.

If you give an address that always sends back ICMP unreachable messages, the client fails immediately and continues to load the rest of the page, but DNSSEC proscribes that.

You could refuse to send a response for those names, but then the client has to wait for the timeout. You could send a response with an invalid signature, but then the client should discard it and continue to wait for a valid response, and you still have to wait for the timeout.

There are also circumstances where you want to return a specific address, e.g. so that attempts to send traffic to that address can be monitored, and redirecting the address doesn't work because it could be a shared host using SNI and you don't want to affect every name pointing to that address.

> And what does that gain you over DNSSEC+DoT/H other than being non-standard?

It's simpler, more efficient, lower latency, has less attack surface and can't be used as a DDoS amplification vector.

And if you want something standard, why not standardize on DNSCurve? Using DNSSEC over that is only the sunk cost fallacy.

>DDoS amplification vector.

How would a TLS-using protocol be used as a DDoS amplification vector?

>If you give an address that always sends back ICMP unreachable messages, the client fails immediately and continues to load the rest of the page, but DNSSEC proscribes that.

You can return resolver errors or no data, there is plenty of options for DNS blackholing.

>There are also circumstances where you want to return a specific address, e.g. so that attempts to send traffic to that address can be monitored, and redirecting the address doesn't work because it could be a shared host using SNI and you don't want to affect every name pointing to that address.

You'll need a PKI for that anyway so you can deploy DNSSEC root keys.

> How would a TLS-using protocol be used as a DDoS amplification vector?

Turning off UDP DNS would break everything that still uses it but adding the DNSSEC records makes the UDP responses a DDoS amplification vector even if some clients use TLS.

> You can return resolver errors or no data, there is plenty of options for DNS blackholing.

DNSSEC validates NODATA responses and clients can respond to resolver errors in various ways that amount to more timeouts.

> You'll need a PKI for that anyway so you can deploy DNSSEC root keys.

That's assuming you want to MitM the connection rather than merely log the attempt before dropping it or record it for traffic analysis even if you can't MitM it.

And, of course, one of these is a real problem and is seeing widespread deployment and has a bright future, and the other isn't and has been failing since approximately 1994.

So basically, DNSSEC is like signing an email with a PGP key, and the others are like encrypting an email with PGP ?

Similar, yes, but it's not a perfect analogy.

In the DNSSEC case, yes, that's akin to the same thing.

In the other, PGP is both encrypting and authenticating the data, then sending that over untrusted email servers. DoH, DoT, et al, are encrypting the channel, and authenticating the endpoints, but not authenticating the data.

Full DNSSEC eliminates the need to have a trusted cert supplier. You can make your own very and the DNSSEC system will be able to validate you are you and not someone else in the system.

No, "full DNSSEC", in the hypothetical universe in which browsers ever supported DANE, simply moves you from having to trust CA's like LetsEncrypt to having to trust the registrars and the world governments that have (often de jure) control over domain registration. DNSSEC does not eliminate centralized external trust anchors; it depends utterly on them.

(spoiler: Apple, Google, and Mozilla dabbled with it and then rescinded their support; Mozilla and Google have both stated, Google more formally than Mozilla, that DANE isn't happening)

As long as DV certs exist the registrars are trusted anyways[0]. DNSSEC + DANE, for all its faults, would at least reduce the set of trusted actors by cutting CAs out of the chain.

[0] Yes there's CT to help catch dishonest registrars, but a similar regime could be applied to registrars directly to force transparency around changes to TLSA records.

Adam Langley explains in "Why Not DANE In Browsers" that this is not in fact the case, and that DANE will ultimately just expand the number of trust anchors; you can't even get things narrowed down to just the governments controlling your records.

Further: a mis-issuing CA can be put to death (as happened to the largest CA when Google caught them mis-issuing). You can't revoke a TLD.

Meanwhile, CT actually exists today and is meaningfully combating misissuance, and obviously does not rely on DNSSEC to function.

> Adam Langley explains in "Why Not DANE In Browsers" that this is not in fact the case, and that DANE will ultimately just expand the number of trust anchors

This is false. That article makes no such claims.

There are two ways that you might wish to use DANE in a web browser: either to block a certificate that would normally be considered valid, or to bless a certificate that would normally be rejected. The first, obviously, requires that DANE information always be obtained—if a lookup failure was ignored, a network attacker with a bad certificate would just simulate a lookup failure. But requiring that browsers always obtain DANE information (or a proof of absence) is nearly implausible

That paragraph does not claim DANE expands the number of trust anchors.

As magila stated, registrars are already a trust anchor for domain validated certificates. Trusting a certificate directly via DANE vs through a domain-validated certificate doesn't change that. It does, however, cut CAs out of the process, which reduces the number of trust anchors.

If you can't use DANE to block certificates that the WebPKI says are valid, then you're stuck trusting both DANE and the CAs. Browsers don't trust DANE today. Ergo, adoption of DANE would expand the number of trust anchors.

Assuming we need to keep backwards compatibility indefinitely that's true, but that still wouldn't expand the number of trust anchors. DANE isn't a new trust anchor, it's just a more direct way of trusting preexisting trust anchors (DNS registrars). Even if you don't use or support DANE you still need to trust the registrars.

No, that is false. DNS registrars do not sign CA certificates and, without DANE, are not trust anchors in the WebPKI. And, of course, with DANE, they would essentially gain that status. This is a plain fact, but you can reason your way to it axiomatically by (again) considering how trust would be rescinded: Google singlehandedly killed the web's largest CA after a misissuance, but obviously cannot do that to .COM in a DANE world.

When your argument starts depending on redefinitions of well-established concepts, that's a sign that you should reconsider it.

I think we are getting mixed up in this thread over multiple senses of the term "trust". One sense is PKI. Ajedi32 is referring to a different type of trust.

Everyone who uses .com must trust the authority for .com, because that registry's name servers are what delegate control of all domain names in the TLD. Every time you resolve a domain name like "example.com", you are relying on the name servers for ".com" to serve correct information.

If the registry was malicious (or if an attacker compromised it), then the registry could easily seize control of any domain name -- it could rescind the delegation and publish whatever DNS records it chooses, including the DNS records necessary to obtain a domain-validated certificate.

It is correct to say that we "trust" TLD authorities because they can do these malicious things, but they commit to behave in a certain way. We trust TLD authorities in the same way that we trust certificate authorities only to issue certificates following a certain process. Both of these actors are capable of fraudulently obtaining certificates: the CA can mis-issue a certificate directly, whereas the TLD can seize a domain's DNS and trivially procure a domain validated certificate (from a legitimate CA).

This is what I believe Ajedi32 means when referring to "trust anchor" (using the term informally). DNSSEC is not adding new trusted entities, but is rather adding PKI around an existing trust relationships: a child DNS zone (e.g. example.com) always needs to trust its parent zone (e.g. the .com TLD). In the PKI sense, I agree that it would be adding new trust anchors, but those trust anchors would simply model preexisting trust relationships that don't use PKI.

On that note, we also need to trust the Internet root name servers that point to the name servers for the TLDs.

Again, this is a redefinition of the concept of a WebPKI trust anchor (or, for that matter, of a "trust anchor" in any PKI; it would be equally confusing to describe the Linux kernel as a "trust anchor" in a secret storage or XML signing or inter-services authentication PKI).

If you want to use an idiosyncratic definition of a term, that's fine --- I won't, but I can at least follow the argument. But what you can't do is say "that citation you provided does not say what you said it does" when it clearly does using the mainstream definition of the term. It's especially fallacious to pull out this semantic argument about a reliable source that generates a surprising conclusion about trust anchors!

DNSSEC adds trust anchors to the Web PKI.

Obviously, I disagree with the argument that we "need" DNSSEC to securely issue certificates, but the rest of this thread adequately captures my rebuttals to that argument.

If you insist on such a narrow definition of the term "trust" then yes you're technically correct. But it also reduces your entire argument into one of semantics; there's no security impact to adding a new "trust anchor" as you're defining the term.

No, sorry, you're not getting away with that argument. We're not debating "trust"; we're debating "trust anchors". "Trust anchor" is a term of art with a specific meaning, and you can't pretend I'm the one trying to exploit a technicality when you've built an argument whose premise is an idiosyncratic redefinition of the term.

Besides that, you were just plain wrong, twice (you doubled down when I showed the quote that refuted your claim). It's fine to be wrong; I'm wrong all the time! But stubbornly refusing to acknowledge when you're plainly incorrect to the extent where you redefine words is not a good look.

Okay, that's fair. You've won the semantic argument, I was wrong to argue that DANE doesn't add new "trust anchors".

The central point of your comment is still completely wrong though. DANE does _not_ add new trusted actors, and has no significant negative security impact.

"Trusted actor"? Seriously?

That's the term magila used in the comment you originally replied to near the start of this thread before you started the whole semantic debate about "trust anchors". Ultimately, trust is something you place in people and organizations, not inanimate cryptographic primitives.

Ah, you're right, fair enough; I read it as "trust anchor" (because that's the real term). Sorry for snarking.

I was speaking more in a hypothetical sense, but you're right. The DNS as currently implemented is sufficiently broken so as to preclude securing it.

Agreed. Requiring accredited registrars support/enforce 2FA (and preferably hardware OTPs) would be a much more effective response to this, in my opinion.

Maybe it won't do much for you, but for people like me whose governments actively try everything from DNS Cache poisoning to HTTP/HTML injection to censor the internet—DNSSEC would be amazing.

The whole system needs to be on DNSSEC to prevent hijacking. Just because you have a DNSSEC server doesn’t mean anything if the guy down the way can still be made to redirect traffic to a malicious site.

> And, for bonus points, had they done so, they likely would have been able to lock out MIT of regaining control of the domain for longer than it actually took.

How would DNSSEC have made it take longer?

Maybe I'm confused about this detail of DNSSEC in which case I retract that claim - I thought it's possible to advertise a false key with a long TTL and use that to prevent people from accepting records from the true key, if they still have the false key cached. If it doesn't work that way (e.g. if all resolvers will update to new keys and accept signatures from them), great.

An attacker could certainly do that, but they could also advertise bogus records (e.g. the MX record in mit.edu's case) with long TTLs so I don't think DNSSEC makes the worst-case recovery time any longer.

The ostensible difference is that they can advertise records that cryptographically lock out corrections, right? (I think this particular critique is mooted by the maximum TTLs mainstream caches will work on). This was Colm Maccarthaigh's scenario on Twitter last week.

I did see Colm's Tweet last week. I'm just not sure what the attacker gains from the lockout being cryptographic, as opposed to being based on old-fashioned DNS caching. If the attacker gets an A record pointing to a bogus IP address cached in a bunch of places, that's just as bad as getting a bogus DNSSEC key cached - either way, users are locked out until the malicious records expire at their resolvers.

DNSSEC makes many things worse, but I don't think this is one.

Yeah, I feel like Paul Wouters also shot this scenario down pretty conclusively, but I'm sort of doing my best to reconstruct what colmmac was talking about and might not be doing the best job of it.

Aha, I think I saw that tweet too and that's where this idea got into my head. I don't know much about the low-level details of DNSSEC so please just ignore that part :)

You may have missed the part of the linked Krebs on Security article where they talked about cases where deployment of DNSSEC _did_ help:

> Woodcock said PCH’s reliance on DNSSEC almost completely blocked that attack, but that it managed to snare email credentials for two employees who were traveling at the time. Those employees’ mobile devices were downloading company email via hotel wireless networks that — as a prerequisite for using the wireless service — forced their devices to use the hotel’s DNS servers, not PCH’s DNNSEC-enabled systems.

> “The two people who did get popped, both were traveling and were on their iPhones, and they had to traverse through captive portals during the hijack period,” Woodcock said. “They had to switch off our name servers to use the captive portal, and during that time the mail clients on their phones checked for new email. Aside from that, DNSSEC saved us from being really, thoroughly owned.”

Obviously DNSSEC won't save you if your account with your domain registrar gets compromised, but there are other situations where it _is_ effective.

FWIW the article states this only applies for specific MITM cases, but yeah, this is kinda bullshit.

If you want to push back against this, find somebody near Kobe, Japan in the next few weeks who can go to this open session [1] and explain the problems, and provide some alternative solutions.

I agree with rocqua that the Registrar needs to have a more active role in securing DNS. I think we need new standards of control between domain owners, registrars, DNS TLDs, and certificate authorities.

I, as a domain owner, should be able to provide signed changes to the Registrar, and to entities further down the chain, so that just because someone gets access to my account on a service provider, they can not change anything without my private key. Delegation and revocation of other keys can also be handled for large organizations (we do that today with DNS).

[1] https://meetings.icann.org/en/kobe64

> I agree with rocqua that the Registrar needs to have a more active role in securing DNS. I think we need new standards of control between domain owners, registrars, DNS TLDs, and certificate authorities.

There are registrars that do take a more active role in securing dns, but they usually charge a bit more. A surprising many companies and even government departments will compare two dns registrars exclusively on the price, and if one cost $10 annually and the other registrar cost $29 then they will pick the $10 version. What they might not be aware is that $9 out of the price is the registry fee, so what they are really comparing is the service that you get from $1 margin vs $20.

Absolutely. It would make more sense for them to require all registrars to offer proper 2FA (i.e. SMS don’t count). This is something they have the authority to do and that would have a meaningful impact on security.

Encryption ensures ONLY one thing: that the connection is private. You could be having a private conversation with Satan

Sadly, on internet today, encryption does not ensure the connection is private for the client. What happens today is a client can connect to a middle server that implements TLS encryption between it and the client, but then forwards the connection unencrypted to the real server. This is an actual service people use, and the client has no way of knowing it.

DNSSEC+DANE replaces registrars. The entity would push signed request directly to tld.

We as an industry have to stop using passwords. We have to stop using DNS. In this day and age who needs human-readable URLs? People only remember a tiny subset of most URLs anyway. Why not just make everything end-to-end encrypted and stop the stupid feudalism?

DNSSEC doesn't help when the attacker controls your DNS control panel, just like DNSSEC doesn't help in almost every other practical attack scenario.

Let's kill it off and focus on efforts that solve real problems. It's worse than pointless, the added complexity is a huge liability.

I hope vendors like DigitalOcean would provide more fine tuned access controls in their APIs.

Certbot, which I have setup to automatically renew my wildcard Let's Encrypt certificates, has access to my master API key on DO. I try to follow the best practices in keeping it safe, but I'd prefer if that specific API key would only have the required privileges to modify a set of specifically named TXT records and nothing more.


Route53/IAM doesn't have any way to restrict access to only _acme-challenge DNS labels.

Use RFC2136 like civilized folk, I guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I'm a little surprised that route53 IAM policies aren't granular enough to restrict access to specific records or record types. It seems obvious that a service (lambda or such) should be able to issue cert autorenewal records without any other route53 access, and I wouldn't be surprised if this were already on a roadmap.

Wish it supported all my TLDs.

> DNSSEC doesn't help in almost every other practical attack scenario

It helps against BGP attacks. https://www.blackhat.com/docs/us-15/materials/us-15-Gavriche...

DNSSEC + a CAA record with the validationmethods parameter set to DNS would prevent that attack.

Exactly. I'm all for adding authentication elsewhere, but there's no need to kill DNSSEC.

>Let's kill it off and focus on efforts that solve real problems

Like what? It's pointless to distract from constructive proposals with no supporting material for what the problems are with the proposed solution, and then claim there are other things that need our attention and then not even pay lip service to them.

DNSSEC is quite famously a solution in search of a problem. It's pretty explicitly designed to secure the requests from the resolver to the nameservers, not from the actual end-users--and the number of actual attacks that would be prevented as a result are pretty damn minuscule.

>DNSSEC is quite famously a solution in search of a problem.

I've only seen this sentiment every now and then in very particular circles. It's not really that famous.

Here's a fun exercise: find the most reputable security or cryptography person you can that has publicly said nice things about DNSSEC. For extra fun, try to find one that isn't in some way affiliated with the IETF (most security and cryptography people aren't, so that shouldn't be too hard).

Well I don't know about people but I do know that a lot of big names in networking support and enable DNSSEC by default. So again, the sentiment isn't that famous because it's a widely used security feature. named has it on by default.

Here's a fun exercise: You could just say what you need to say to make a point and educate the people reading this thread. Otherwise your comment is kind of detracting from constructive conversation.

It was the first thing he said: there are very few real attacks that DNSSEC protects against. In other words: the benefit does not outweigh the cost.

That is a damning argument and there is nothing else to say, until someone (e.g. you, but don't feel pressured) comes forward with a good counter example.

> there are very few real attacks that DNSSEC protects against.

That's not a very good argument when you're talking about securing systems. We don't actively mitigate attacks based on the prevalence of known instances of that attack. You do so beforehand. Attack vectors, before they are ever or even actively used, are considered. The most relevant, recent, and well known example of this is heartbleed.

Your best example of an attack mitigating by deploying a languishing IETF standard is Heartbleed, which was caused by the adoption of a languishing IETF standard extension to TLS.

Heartbleed was caused by a class of code error prevalent in the toolchain used to write that code. It was not caused by the specification itself.

Here is the exact change if you're able to read the code: https://git.openssl.org/gitweb/?p=openssl.git;a=commitdiff;h... -- if that is not within your skillset to read that change, the patch is essentially doing a bounds check on a set area of memory. The language being used is notorious for allowing this type of code error and is the source of many exploits and bugs. It has nothing to do with the specification.

For some reading material see this wikipedia article on the subject: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffer_over-read

>Programming languages commonly associated with buffer over-reads include C and C++, which provide no built-in protection against using pointers to access data in any part of virtual memory, and which do not automatically check that reading data from a block of memory is safe; respective examples are attempting to read more elements than contained in an array, or failing to append a trailing terminator to a null-terminated string. Bounds checking can prevent buffer over-reads

We mitigate against attack vectors before there are known instances of software using those attack vectors. I'm not sure why you want to argue against that, or even how because we do it all the time. Take Spectre/Meltdown as another example. Preemptive measures were taken before any known usage of that attack vector had been discovered.

You're missing the point. The TLS heatbeat feature is a feature that is wanted by essentially nobody. Adding support for it means you're adding code--which naturally has the potential for bugs--to a server install, which increases the scope for vectors. Furthermore, as an underused feature, it's not going to get the same amount of code review as more heavily trafficked portions of the codebase.

Sure, the actual bug is a coding 101 bug, but the social process that caused a coding 101 bug to potentially compromise the vast majority of server installations is why Heartbleed is important. One of the lessons is that you need more reason to implement a feature than "it's a feature that can be implemented."

> You're missing the point.

I don't think I am. You're focusing on one particular thing and invoking platitudes that are completely irrelevant. You're actively attempting to change the conversation topic to fit your viewpoint. That's not okay. No one is talking about the philosophy of feature development and adoption. I gave another example of where we preemptively mitigate issues that has nothing to do with philosophical waxing on "did we really need to do this" or "nobody really wanted that feature": Specter/Meltdown.

So two things, to get this conversation back on track:

1) The idea that DNNSEC is worthless/useless/bad is not "famous" by any reasonable use of that term. I explicitly stated it was only something you see in particular circles. The fact that the actual most popular piece of software used to manage DNS enables DNNSEC by default, and one of the biggest 3rd party public providers for DNS has it opt-out only is a testament to this fact. It's myopic to think that other people are aware of these things when the entire ecosystem is signaling quite the opposite.

2) DNSSEC might be useless, but in abstract terms arguing against systems designed to mitigate attacks simply because those attacks haven't been seen in the wild is a bankrupt idea in the world of security. So if you want to say DNSSEC is a bad idea then stick with that, but don't say it's a bad idea because we haven't seen an actual attack with what DNSSEC is trying to prevent. The claim again, is bankrupt when you're talking about securing systems.

>but the social process that caused a coding 101 bug to potentially compromise the vast majority of server installations is why Heartbleed is important.

I actually want to speak to this, because it's kind of a popular thing to say in the world of software development, but it fundamentally misunderstands what's actually happening.

You're right that a social process allowed the coding 101 bug to happen and exist for so long, but you're wrong about which social process. People's motivations for a feature have no bearing on how exploitable code gets written. Because features that people do want are victim to the same kind of errors in code. If you immediately falsify your perspective about which social process is in play you see it becomes irrelevant. You can completely take people's motivations out of the equation and the same process and class of error exists that allows the exploits and bugs to happen.

I am not saying that increases in LOC does not correlate with an increase in bugs. That's a fairly standard fact. I am saying that people's motivations for features have no bearing on how open source projects fall victim to shoddy code.

The social process that IS to blame is the fact that people don't invest in open source software, yet depend on it for their entire ecosystem. A student wrote some code, submitted it, and it was reviewed by one person. That code was never really looked at again, not really tested, but allowed to exist in the software for years. If the social ecosystem around open source software was one where more eyes had been laid on the code created it might not have happened all together, and relying on a student to write the code is a travesty in its own right all together.

But people's motivations for writing code? Not really relevant in terms of LOC, exploits, and code quality.

is not "famous" by any reasonable use of that term.

You're getting really hung up on "famously" which doesn't even literally mean "is famous". If that's your #1 point, you might as well drop it and move on to something else.

You need to read the thread.

Sadly, I have.


"famous" is the first thing you latch onto at the start of this thread. You mention it repeatedly throughout. You've labeled it #1 a comment or so ago. I'm trying to tell you it's a minor, silly misunderstanding, largely on your part.


DNSSEC isn't famously bad the way Battlefield Earth and Gigli are; it's famously bad among people who know stuff about DNS security. You seem shocked that experts disdain it, and were unaware of AGL's "Why Not DANE In Browsers". Perhaps, before litigating DNSSEC further, you might read up on it a bit more.

Either way, calling commenters on HN "trolls" violates the HN civility rules, and you need to stop doing that. You can read more about that in the Guidelines, linked at the bottom of this page.


There are wheels within wheels in this village, and fires within fires! When Reverend Hale comes, you will proceed to look for signs of witchcraft here.

Which big names would those be?

>named has it on by default.

I stated as such in my comment you're replying to. The software that basically everyone uses for DNS management. Google DNS supports it by default, requiring you to opt out. I gave you an example, it would be greatly appreciated for you to provide a substantive, informative comment about the problems with DNSSEC or at the very least provide other material authored by other people (blogs/articles/etc) who are famous security experts who do not support DNSSEC -- you seem to know who to go to.

Your argument is that DNSSEC has expert support and advocacy because the reference implementation of DNSSEC... exists? Yes: people who work on BIND probably do by and large support DNSSEC.

Google does not generally support DNSSEC. It's easy to find Google security engineers criticizing it, but the most notable example would be AGL's "Why Not DANE In Browsers", which discusses why Chrome stopped supporting DNSSEC.


>Your argument is that DNSSEC has expert support and advocacy because the reference implementation of DNSSEC.

Actually if you read exactly what I wrote I merely countered that it's not a famous sentiment, which the comment I was replying to said it was. I said it was a sentiment only seen, at least from my perspective, in particular circles and really only in passing.

I would consider the fact that Google DNS and named support it by default to be a significantly appropriate counter to the whole "everyone knows this isn't really a good tool/specification" sentiment. And it's an excellent negation of "it's easy to find Google engineers criticizing it" when their own service and the company they work/did work for is using it by default with their DNS service. Indeed, while I thank you for actually linking something I and others can read, the fact that some engineer in the ether -- and not to impugn his work, credibility, or how well he is known in certain circles -- is writing on the subject doesn't really have the same publicity as services and defacto software enabling DNNSEC by default.

Here's the important point: Because of the above, to the passing eye or as mere consumers of these tools and services it looks like a specification that would probably be a good idea and a credible one at that. There is nothing "famous" about it falling short, or being a solution in search of a problem when everyone who really matters in this space is using it.

Surely you must see that. Again thanks for the reading material, it is very much appreciated.

DNSSEC works perfectly fine for securing requests from end-users. Of course you need to link your application with a DNSSEC-validating library. But that's just a small matter of code.

Things become slightly more complicated when you have to deal with broken home routers. But that code exists as well.

No, it doesn't. DNSSEC is a server-to-server protocol. Your caching resolver, after completing a DNSSEC-signed lookup, signals your stub resolver that the request was "secure" by means of a single header bit. There is no security whatsoever between client resolvers and DNSSEC servers.

What you meant to say was that DNSSEC works "perfectly fine for securing requests from end-users" so long as they run their own DNSSEC cache servers. But of course, nobody is going to do that. They'll run DoH/DoTLS instead.

DNSSEC validation has nothing to do with 'servers'.

Maybe you want to take a look at, for example, https://getdnsapi.net/

Please stop spreading misinformation.

Another example, openssh can locally do DNSSEC validation of SSHFP records (using the ldns library). Unfortunately, it doesn't really work, but that is a different story. All of the validation code is there.

You don't seem to understand the difference between the resolver in a DNS cache server and a stub resolver. The stub DNS resolver on your desktop computer, as a general rule, does not do lookups from the DNS root all the way down to whatever leaf authority server holds the record it's trying to find. That's the job of caching resolvers --- the ones that live in servers like and (or whatever janky server your ISP or IT department sets you up with). If you're talking to a "DNS server" from your desktop --- like, you know, almost everyone on the Internet does --- you're not doing DNSSEC and, obviously, can't, because you've delegated to your DNS server the job of making all the intermediate requests needed to validate the chain of signatures to the root.

A search term you might find helpful: [DNS header AD bit].

You can run a local resolver that forwards all queries to while still running dnssec validation, and get both the speed benefit of a caching infrastructure, and the authentication of dnssec. With only one trusted key.

Yes, DNSSEC works fine for endpoints if we eliminate globally the concept of a DNS client and a shared cache and just have everyone run their own DNS servers.

The configuration I spoke of does not eliminate a shared cache, it uses the existing shared cache.

In addition, a validating endpoint resolver is no more a "dns server", than a stub resolver is.

Your proposal drastically changes the role of all mainstream endpoint resolvers, which today delegate the recursive part of the lookup to "DNS servers" and which, in the world you're thinking of, would own that lookup completely and use DNS servers, if at all, as mere request forwarders.

Not for nothing, but even the IETF doesn't want you to do this.

DNSSEC is strictly not a constructive proposal.

Oh okay.

Nominet, the UK's domain registry, has a solution called "Domain Lock".

Whilst predominantly offered to registrars it is also available directly to registrants for the equivalent of $120 per year.

Assume a user has a domain name registered with their preferred registrar, e.g. Gandi, GoDaddy etc., then to change the DNS settings the user has to login to his Nominet portal (using mandatory 2SV) and unlock the DNS for up to 20 minutes (it can be manually re-locked earlier). The user then has to log into his registrar (preferably with 2SV set-up) and configure the relevant changes.

The additional steps involved are sufficient to prevent almost all unauthorized DNS changes except DNS poisoning.

Nominet say that their separate "DNSSEC signing service was withdrawn from service in January 2016 due to low uptake".

The best part of this is that ICANN has misconfigured DNSSEC.


The tweet you linked to is making false claims about dnssec. It doesn't "blow up the sizes of dns requests" If you aren't explicitly looking up dnssec signatures, a signed zone's responses will be the same length as an unsigned zone's responses.

Also, dnssec for their real website, icann.org, is properly configured.

> The tweet you linked to is making false claims about dnssec. It doesn't "blow up the sizes of dns requests" If you aren't explicitly looking up dnssec signatures, a signed zone's responses will be the same length as an unsigned zone's responses.

Unbound 1.6.0, BIND 9.9.5, and Google Public DNS all set the DO bit in their queries even when there's no DS record in the parent zone, so the DSSEC records will indeed be included in responses.

And that's not even addressing the amplification risk.

> Also, dnssec for their real website, icann.org, is properly configured.

Are you disputing that ICANN owns and operates icann.com?

As much as I want DNSSEC to be a thing, it just doesn’t seem like it ever will. Checkout this name-and-shame site and you’ll see how hopeless it looks https://dnssec-name-and-shame.com

Why do you want it to be a thing? Have you ever been exposed to an attack that would have been prevented by DNSSEC?

I feel like most people who want DNSSEC just have very theoretical warm feelings about the idea of it. When they actually implement it it does nothing but consume time and energy while adding liability.

I don’t think I’ve ever been exposed to an attack that the HSTS preload list has protected me from, but that does not negate its value. Assurance is an important aspect of InfoSec. Without a doubt DNSSEC has some major shortcomings and the lack of implementation makes it useless, but that does not mean it would not provide value if it were more widespread

You're ignoring the possibility of negative value. People ITT have been saying repeatedly that DNSSEC provides negative value, i.e. that the effort is vastly out of proportion with any benefit that could be derived from it. They aren't necessarily saying that there is (absolutely) no benefit.

A BGP attack against a CA to get a fraudulent cert issues. (As far as I know, no one has done this to me, but they could.)

How does DNSSEC help you here? BGP attackers control IP addresses. They don't even need to touch the DNS to misissue a DV certificate.

With CAA records and a draft extension to CAA [0]. Letsencrypt already supports enough of it in staging. If you enable DNSSEC and set a CAA record like

    issue "letsencrypt.org; validationmethods=dns-01"
Then, unless I’m missing something, you’re protected from BGP and other MITM attacks. (Well, you will be once this hits production.) And it’ll be considerably less annoying to work with once the “accounturi” constraint works.

I would go so far as to say that not doing this for a high value site will be irresponsible once this CAA feature becomes stable.

[0] https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-acme-caa-06

I'm afraid that's unlikely to protect you from BGP attacks.

In theory, the Baseline Requirements require CAs to honor DNSSEC when checking CAA records. However, in practice, there are too many terrible DNS servers, and looking up a CAA record can often fail, for example because the authoritative server just drops any packet containing a CAA query. So CAs are allowed to treat a CAA lookup failure as permission to issue if the domain is not DNSSEC-signed. However, since no off-the-shelf resolver provides an API to check if a domain is DNSSEC-signed, CAs had to roll their own solutions, most of which were wrong and insecure (probably in no small part due to DNSSEC's monstrous complexity). An attacker who can BGP hijack your authoritative DNS servers would be able to get a certificate from one of these CAs.

I created https://caatestsuite.com/ and smoked out many of these bugs in 2017. Maybe the situation has improved since then, but given the difficulty in implementing this check correctly, I'm sure there's at least one CA out there that is doing it wrong, and it only takes one CA to misissue.

It will make BGP attacks considerably harder. It will also make them more like one-off attacks: if you know a vulnerable CA, you can only reliably attack it once like this.

In the long run, I’d love to see something a little more like TLSA so that browsers can at least reject certificates from the wrong CA.

This is the problem: DNSSEC purports to make a difficult attack somewhat more difficult (you say a lot more difficult, I say marginally more difficult) at absolutely staggering enormous global expense.

We can solve the DV misissuance problem directly without forklifting in a new DNS, and the forklift upgrade doesn't even decisively solve the primary problem it's meant to solve.

Why are we still considering DNSSEC?

Do you have a concrete proposal that is both credibly deployable and better than DNSSEC?

DNSSEC is awful in many ways, but it can be deployed incrementally, it's already standardized, and a good chunk of the benefit can be had without changing normal clients at all. I think that "absolutely staggering enormous global expense" is an overstatement.

edit: A major benefit of DNSSEC is that the CA/B forum already requires that CAs use it to check CAA records.

I do have a concrete, credible, deployable proposal: do nothing. DNSSEC is a net negative.

I don't care that it's "standardized". The IETF has standardized a lot of bad stuff. I care that the benefits, such as they are, don't outweigh the costs --- those of a global key escrow system embedded in the DNS, those of the mass deployment of 1990s cryptography, and those of an enormous and expensive disruption to both our networks and, ultimately, our software, much of which will need to be updated to account for the untenable failure mode DNSSEC exhibits today.

Why do I care that CA/B forum requires DNSSEC (when it's enabled) for CAA records? Nobody uses DNSSEC.

Is it your opinion that none of the largest tech companies or financial institutions in the US have good security teams? Or, if, like me, you generally think money buys talent and companies like Google and Facebook and Apple (and, for that matter, Bank of America and Citigroup) have pretty amazing security teams, riddle me this: why have none of them enabled DNSSEC? Are they just too stupid?

Google, Facebook, etc presumably have rather large and competent security teams, and they presumably do things like extensively monitoring CT logs and BGP. And Google's properties nonetheless get hijacked on a semi-regular basis by BGP attacks. (A very small amount of looking suggests that this happened last November.) I'm not aware of anyone using such a BGP attack to get a certificate for a site like YouTube, but I see nothing that prevents it.

I don't actually know why Google doesn't enable DNSSEC on its own properties for this exact reason. They may be relying on the fact that any serious CA will have "google.com" and similar domains in a list of high-risk domains.

(Heck, I can't easily personally monitor BGP for a website even if I wanted to.)

Virtually no company with a reputable security team uses DNSSEC. Not Google. Not Facebook. Not Stripe. Not Braintree. Not Salesforce.com. Not Microsoft. Not Cisco.com. Not IBM. Not Oracle. Not Amazon. Not Github. Not NASDAQ. Not Citigroup. Not Bank of America. Not Schwab. Not Goldman. Not JPMC. Not Boeing. Not Lockheed Martin.

Each of these companies has a huge security team. Not one of them thinks DNSSEC is worth deploying. How do you explain that? Is virtually every infosec team in North America just wrong?

I don't know why none of them have. Cloudflare has deployed DNSSEC, though.

Yes, because Cloud Flare sells DNSSEC services! The best exception you have proves the rule. :)

Doing nothing won't stop BGP attacks from breaking HTTPS. Widespread deployment of DNSSEC will.

> However, since no off-the-shelf resolver provides an API to check if a domain is DNSSEC-signed, CAs had to roll their own solutions, most of which were wrong and insecure

So fix that problem then. If CAs are not properly checking DNSSEC in violation of the BRs, that's the real problem here. It's not a reason to avoid DNSSEC.

First of all, shame on that website for breaking my back button.

Second, that website has to be a parody of DNSSEC. It's showing that none of the major tech companies use it, meanwhile the "good examples" of DNSSEC compliance are all vendors substantially involved in standardizing or selling DNS services.

Here's that point, in infographic form:


Handshake (handshake.org) provides an SPV Proof that the DNS records held in it's zone are authentic. This means if an attacker wanted to spoof records, they would have to:

1) Eclipse attack the client, meaning that the client is on a partitioned network with an alternative chain tip. This grows more expensive as the records were written further in the past


2) Steal the top level domain owners private key and update the database

If a major brand is bad at managing private keys and is in the middle of an ownership transition (speaking entirely hypothetically, of course), is there a chance that they'd just lose access to symantec.com permanently and have to pick a new brand, instead of having recourse to humans to say "Hey please get us our domain"? If there is no recourse, is this generally considered a desirable thing by domain customers?

Is there a process for trademark dispute resolution? If not, is this generally considered a desirable thing by domain customers?

If the answer is yes, who holds the override keys?

User experience around key management is poor. I agree that it needs to be improved, Handshake supports the industry standard HD Key Derivation following bip44 and has Ledger Nano support. The keys can be derived deterministically from a mnemonic, so it's up to the org to not lose that mnemonic. Eventually (if blockchain actually works) there will be an easy to use protocol for breaking the mnemonic up into shares and allowing recovery of the mnemonic using m of n shares.

In the case where keys are lost, there are 2 options

1) Let the domain expire after 1 year, there is a protocol rule in which the domain must be updated and without the private key it would be impossible to update it, and then rebuy it


2) Gain support from the community and fork the protocol such that the domain is reassigned to a different private key

There is a process for trademark dispute resolution, it's been going on for awhile now. The Alexa Top 100k domains are reserved and can be claimed using a DNSSEC Proof, so dot google on Handshake can be claimed by the owner of google dot com

I have to say that that sounds like a solution no user would actually want. You effectively did answer all of GP's questions with no.

For once I feel like the military could help: they probably had similar issues in unrelated fields, and may already have a organisational protocol to deal with those. Maybe we should ask them.

I think we did ask the military how they'd handle domain names on the internet, and they came up with DNS.

(Also, if you're going to let the military overrule decisions in your distributed permissionless blockchain, is there a point in having a distributed permissionless blockchain in the first place?)

Human intervention is important to the proper functioning of blockchain protocols. It's a myth that blockchains can just operate in a completely objective way without people. The point is to minimize the amount that people need to interject, so that people can instead focus on a higher abstraction

Not internet related protocols. Human related protocols.

What does this solve that a non-blockchain approach (for example the PKI approaches we already have) wouldn't?

The root of trust comes from the accumulated proof of work instead of an organization. This is interesting because self signed certificates can be trustworthy if they are signed with the private key of the Handshake top level domain holder. I believe it will open up the chain of trust for devs to innovate on and experiment with novel cryptography

>The root of trust comes from the accumulated proof of work instead of an organization.

This is the only reason I have had any interest in the HS project.

If you have any interest in participating in the community, please visit https://handshake.community

While AWS supports DNSSEC for domain registration they don't support it for DNS. While it does appear that most of these attacks would not have been prevented by DNSSEC isn't it about time AWS supported DNSSEC ?

If these attacks wouldn't have been prevented by DNSSEC, why do you want AWS to support it?

None of these domain hijacking attempts would’ve been prevented by DNSSEC, right?

(Also kinda curious as to why pointing this out seems to be somewhat controversial? :)

As I understand the attacks being against the login admin accounts for managing the domain itself, no DNSSEC would not have prevented changing the records in the zone. In addition, if the DNS provider hosting that domain automatically resigned the zone for the hacked account, then the hosting company would even have resigned the zone, thus making valid DNSSEC entries anyway.

What would be better is to require 2FA for all zone hosting companies.

> What would be better is to require 2FA for all zone hosting companies.

Even with this, many registrars and DNS hosts are too fast and loose with disabling 2FA when you call them up and tell them you lost your second factor. Alternatively, requesting changes over the phone without going through web authentication. My confidence in 2FA dipped quite a bit after going through the experience myself.

Pretty sure you're right. The US-CERT advisory for this campaign implies the attackers were logging into the targets accounts at registrars or DNS providers directly.


Not really. In theory the zone signing could be done as a separate process from zone updates, but I don't think any DNS provider implements this - they hold the keys, not you. The other attacks used compromised domain registrar accounts, where the attacker could just disable DNSSEC or switch the nameservers to whatever.

Perhaps so, given that for most DNS provider, the ability to modify DNS records automatically gives you the ability to sign those record. This shows the importance of having a dedicated system for signing information, completely separate (and potentially offline) from the deployment system.

There's an astonishing amount of fishy downvoting across this entire thread. That's weird.

This comment breaks at least two of the HN guidelines. Would you please review and follow them?


If you think you're seeing abuse, please email us with links (hn@ycombinator.com). That's in the rules too.

I just submitted a link for a recent DNS attack on .com and .ve ccTLD domains, any chances that this:

> On 15 February 2019, in response to reports of attacks against key parts of the DNS infrastructure..

Is related to said attack ?

heres the link for the dns attack by venezuelan gov


it's worth a read

Does anyone know the story behind this quote:

> This particular type of attack, which targets the DNS, only works when DNSSEC is not in use.

That doesn’t match any description I’ve seen of these attacks where the attacker had the same access to the management infrastructure as legitimate users. Is there some other incident being discussed or is this just fundamentally incorrect?

Although ICANN has dns sec implemented correctly on icann.org they don't have it done correctly on icann.com which redirects to icann.org

Also most FAANG companies do not have dns sec implemented at all (or correction).

There are various ways to check this but the easiest is to simply pull a whois.

No FAANG company implements DNSSEC.

Call it DNSSEC or whatever, DNS needs more crypto. At present security of DNS rely on manual intervention, 2FA, "multi-perspective DNS lookups" and other rituals. That does not scale to 250M domains. Expect more hijacks until then.

DNSSEC use another chain of “ca”, not the root ca like those in browser. It is another complexity. Not sure it help in general and as said here not even dns hijicking. What is its point is still not sure.

Worse, those "additional CAs" are de facto and in many cases de jure controlled by world governments, many of whom (including my own) have demonstrated repeatedly their willingness to tamper with the DNS to achieve policy goals.

This is not a new problem.

There was a somewhat high profile theft a few years back where the owner published how they recovered their domain:


So erh a bunch of accounts get hacked, likely due to password reuse, weak passwords or phishing. But hey, it's about DNS and security, so let's push the dead horse DNSSEC, which would've done nothing to prevent this, because... whatever.

Even if your account is compromised,do they store the DNSSEC private keys for your domain? That maybe the issue here,requiring domain owners to generate the signature on their local computers seems to be a solution. What am I missing here?

Who benefits from forcing DNSSEC?

If you mean this question in the cynical sense, then basically anyone who will be selling DNSSEC services to large enterprises benefits. And those services will probably be expensive.

DNSSEC used to be the biggest opportunity for amplification attacks.


Or who would lose from DNSSEC getting adopted ? CAs.

This is a fight for cert revenue: CAs vs ICANN.

Would wifi portals work in a world where DNSSEC was enforced?

sure, they would just hijack the outgoing TCP port 80 connection when you try to open a non HSTS domain. (and of course it could try to a port 443 with a fake cert thing too.)

also, there can be standardized portal lookup/discovery methods (this RFC has already expired, but it's likely that the effort will continue: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-pfister-capport-pvd-00 this seems to work with IPv6 only, as it builds on ICMPv6 Router Advertisement, but "provisioning domains" could simply be a DHCP data type too)

See RFC 7710 for DHCP, DHCPv6 and RA options: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7710

It works if you require DNS sec on servers and clients. If you allow fall back to non dnssec it does not work.

Apparently ICANN seems to be a rather corrupt organization: https://freebeacon.com/issues/internet-group-icann-boosted-m...

What happened to namecoin?

I would personally also prefer a solution like namecoin going forward, having one organisation centralising the whole name system is starting to show it's limits (that and the fact that DNS wasn't a great design from the start).

What are unsecured domain names in this context?

I presume it means domains names without DNSSEC.

My impression was DNSSEC is something you apply to participants of DNS resolution (DNS server and resolvers), not to "domain names".

It won't do much if the domains are not signed.

Mods: this is the direct link to the article at ICCAN: https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2019-02-22-en

(Also the current third party link doesn’t seem to load (for me) ‘Resource Limit Exceeded’)

Thanks Dang

Thank you!

Maybe this will get route53 to finally add DNSSEC

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