Also note: don't use pieces outside of LEGO or Technic. That includes powerful motors attached to technic axles, steel axles or bricks, bearings, etc. The bricks were designed with certain assumptions in mind and you will ruin your pieces over time doing that. Source: experience.
This channel is amazing! At some point, yt recommended it and that was the only time it recommended something truly unique. The channel not only does hoisting tests but also rev-tests, which are interesting as well.
That channel is partially why I made the comment. Using LEGO to do things that obviously strain the pieces beyond what's intended is not advisable. Really fun though!
Wait, this is HN! Figuring out how to use things in a way they were not intended to be used is the very essence of hacking ;)
I seriously wonder how much of engineering and architecture progress humanity made exactly because there is a generation that grew up with toys like Lego.