Hi HN! Creator here. I've been working on Purelymail for the past few months because the state of paid email services bothered me. Relative to what they offer, they tend to be pretty expensive. $5 a month adds up.
I think it's important to have mail cheap enough that people won't be tempted to sell their personal lives to Gmail instead.
Purelymail only offers custom domain hosting to start with, which has the benefit of keeping final ownership of email address in users' hands. That said, I'll likely add shared first-party domains eventually, given that the friction of registering a website is probably too much for most nontechnical people.
This is a beta! I'm sure a lot of stuff is hilariously broken. Feel free to poke around, and I'd love to hear your feedback.
I think it's important to have mail cheap enough that people won't be tempted to sell their personal lives to Gmail instead.
Purelymail only offers custom domain hosting to start with, which has the benefit of keeping final ownership of email address in users' hands. That said, I'll likely add shared first-party domains eventually, given that the friction of registering a website is probably too much for most nontechnical people.
This is a beta! I'm sure a lot of stuff is hilariously broken. Feel free to poke around, and I'd love to hear your feedback.