Are you planning to release svn write-support in any fashion at any point in the future? git has git-cvsserver, and could really use a git-svnserver.
Also, many of the casual svn users I talk to are on Windows using TortoiseSVN. Git's Windows support has grown in leaps and bounds in recent months, but it's still not quite 100% (seems the entire git mailing list uses linux/osx, TortoiseGit isn't as clean/solid as TortoiseSVN, and it's documentation is in broken english). Do you see this as an area GitHub needs to tackle in order to get more Git adoption, and if so, what are you doing about it?
Also, many of the casual svn users I talk to are on Windows using TortoiseSVN. Git's Windows support has grown in leaps and bounds in recent months, but it's still not quite 100% (seems the entire git mailing list uses linux/osx, TortoiseGit isn't as clean/solid as TortoiseSVN, and it's documentation is in broken english). Do you see this as an area GitHub needs to tackle in order to get more Git adoption, and if so, what are you doing about it?