Name | Company | Group | Title | desk phone | mobile | group web site.
Don't ask me why the Title comes after the company and group, but it was somebody's bright idea. At least it's only 1 line, maybe 2 if it gets wrapped for some reason.
Of course, they're trying to add a crapload more lines, but I've been resisting it, and will until it's "do it or be fired".
I was on Usenet enough early enough to get the four-lines religion, and that's enough to get six different ways to contact me in.
(I've elided bits here, not because it's any type of secret - I'm not exactly hard to find - but rather because you know some robot's going to crawl this sooner or later. Seriously: skype spam?!)
Name | Company | Group | Title | desk phone | mobile | group web site.
Don't ask me why the Title comes after the company and group, but it was somebody's bright idea. At least it's only 1 line, maybe 2 if it gets wrapped for some reason.
Of course, they're trying to add a crapload more lines, but I've been resisting it, and will until it's "do it or be fired".