Getting rid of that damn blink tag was the first time I ever directly edited a binary. Such a minor annoyance seems quaint now with what the web has become.
chrome://chrome-urls lists all of them, for those who don't know (including myself until 5 minutes ago!) Including ones for forcibly crashing chrome! chrome://inducebrowsercrashforrealz/
Love finding little Easter eggs like these! Thanks!
For example, if you go into devTools and try to build an SVG programmatically (or simply inject some innerHTML), the funcURLs won't pick up the ids in the <defs> section for things like gradients/patterns/etc.
I can't remember which part of which spec conflicts with the other on this. I just remember mentioning it on the SVG list and the Mozilla bug list. (It actually works in Chrome, which a Mozilla dev told me is a bug in Chrome. :)
about:legacy-compat made its way into HTML5 as the system identifier/URL of a (fictive) external SGML declaration set to contain declarations for the elements and attributes of HTML. It's required to make an HTML5 document a valid SGML application; if it weren't there, the declaration set would be treated as containing no declarations at all, which doesn't work for eg. empty (HTML "void") elements such as img and br, and also for writing enumerated attributes in their short forms such as in <option selected> etc.
I didn't know about the about:about url, and have since found a number of amusing and useful links, for example: