The noise issue does seem problematic. Especially once you're beyond what's doable classically. I suppose that you could just check for reproducibility. But maybe there could be systematic problems that wouldn't show up doing that.
But for cracking encryption, the end results seems pretty clear. You either get sensible plaintext, or you don't. And you can try multiple times. Systematic effects that consistently yield incorrect plaintext seem unlikely.
It’s not always obvious whether you’ve gotten sensible plaintext, especially if the plaintext is a binary file format you weren’t expecting, or if the plaintext has been encrypted multiple times.
The noise issue does seem problematic. Especially once you're beyond what's doable classically. I suppose that you could just check for reproducibility. But maybe there could be systematic problems that wouldn't show up doing that.
But for cracking encryption, the end results seems pretty clear. You either get sensible plaintext, or you don't. And you can try multiple times. Systematic effects that consistently yield incorrect plaintext seem unlikely.
Or am I just confused?