> 5600 miles starts becoming "I need to use the wheel only 4 times a year" territory.
It sounds like you're saying I will very likely die 4 times a year.
If anything, perhaps the better performing algorithms will lead to more complacency (inattention) on the part of the driver...
Sort of a Catch-22? (Or is there a better analogy I'm not thinking of.)
Call me a Luddite, but I think I would prefer to steer the car myself, thank you. When someone says, self-driving car, I assume they mean a taxi, bus or train: all well-proven technologies.
Well to be fair Waymo drivers aren't dying 4 times a year, it could be that the car just pulls over.
I agree that this isn't enough for full autonomy. And that partial autonomy can lead to false security. But I bet there are a lot of drivers who have more than 1 incident every 5k miles.
For Uber this number was 13
5600 miles starts becoming "I need to use the wheel only 4 times a year" territory.