Note that is the development version, the production version is deployed in a different fashion (config mostly). So don't go trying to 'hack' that user on the server itself.
2) What competitive advantage do you have? Over the dozens (more?) already out there?
Suggestion: Is it possible to write a meta bot, so that when a visitor to your site types in the job keywords, then your bot will log in (using your login), to say, and retrieve the relevant 'records', then log in to dice, then log in to....?
Then you can post the summarized results. "Go to dice for Usability analyst. OR, Post your resume at for a cofounder"
IMHO, that will be very useful. Monster et. al. wont sue you either, because you arent cloaking their stuff in yours'.
There's already a site like this, check out
I'm trying to think more about what I would want in terms of relationships, e.g. what kind of company is it, what kind of person am I hiring. Search is pretty well dead, I mean, even google's gotten into the vertical jobsearch market.
I'd like to make this something more like rubyrockstars or joel's board, but with better features. Right now those sites are essentially a bad craigslist clone.