The one and only surefire way to make money hand over fist in the food business is authentic American Southern-style fried chicken & BBQ in China, made by actual Americans living there. You could start an empire rivaling KFC if you do it right.
Actually I know someone who went out of business doing this! Jokes aside though, you are correct(my friend went out because he made he location so popular the owner grippled his rent and sold it to someone else).
I've noticed this about BBQ at Bay Area places--liquid smoke and a broiler. I suspect doing it right requires a degree of patience and sustained labor (meat must be tended all day long) that I've only seen at $50+ per head places in cities, and few people are willing to pay that for BBQ. Also IIRC wood fires are harder to permit.
You know, I have been really tempted to go over there (us), and start a business doing that - with a mandatory 3 day previous r eservation system. (Also I'd get to travel around and try all those amazing smoking houses in the us!)