I smiled when I came across that line because I frequently use it--even down to the 80-year old number.
It helps put things in perspective, especially with respect to fear. We fear so many things and not do it. And yet, a lot of the fear is just imaginary--something the 80 year old you can see looking back but the current you cannot.
So I ask myself "what would the 80 year old me think of it?" and if it says to do it, I try to do it.
Example: you want to take a temporary crappy job to get back to your feet but you're afraid friends will see you working there and lose respect.
Present me: afraid I'll lose my friends, ego hit
80-year old me: proud I followed my dream!
Now I totally understand if this doesn't work for you and don't expect it to work for everyone or even most people. But I just thought I'd provide some background on how people who do use this to motivate themselves are using it.
It helps put things in perspective, especially with respect to fear. We fear so many things and not do it. And yet, a lot of the fear is just imaginary--something the 80 year old you can see looking back but the current you cannot.
So I ask myself "what would the 80 year old me think of it?" and if it says to do it, I try to do it.
Example: you want to take a temporary crappy job to get back to your feet but you're afraid friends will see you working there and lose respect.
Present me: afraid I'll lose my friends, ego hit
80-year old me: proud I followed my dream!
Now I totally understand if this doesn't work for you and don't expect it to work for everyone or even most people. But I just thought I'd provide some background on how people who do use this to motivate themselves are using it.