1. You are comparing all of tesla models to individual models from other brands
2. You want to speculate on the future market, go ahead, I dont think Tesla has any special position on lithium batteries.
3. Solar is not a hockey stick, not sure what trend lines you are talking about.
4. Talk to anyone working on self driving cars and they will tell you level 5 is at least 10 years away. Can a tesla drive on icey road in northern canada in blizzard conditions with a couple failed sensors? Nope, then it is not level 5.
2. You want to speculate on the future market, go ahead, I dont think Tesla has any special position on lithium batteries.
3. Solar is not a hockey stick, not sure what trend lines you are talking about.
4. Talk to anyone working on self driving cars and they will tell you level 5 is at least 10 years away. Can a tesla drive on icey road in northern canada in blizzard conditions with a couple failed sensors? Nope, then it is not level 5.