IT does what it says on the tin; it's a password manager. However synchronisation is extra (I use sync to sync the file, and because I'm on iOS I have to manually import the file into the app).
The recommended iOS app (MiniKeepass) doesn't support Touch ID to unlock the database (a PITA with a long master password, which I already have to unlock my device), so I'm using keepass touch, which is a MiniKeepass fork, but with ads, and they've been ignoring my requests for source code (MiniKeepass is GPL).
Browser integration is a pain; you haveto install an extension to Keepass, and then to your browser, and set them up correctly. Steps are at [0]
It works, but is a lot more hassle (which as a result means I'm more likely to skip it and use an insecure password) than Lastpass was.
The recommended iOS app (MiniKeepass) doesn't support Touch ID to unlock the database (a PITA with a long master password, which I already have to unlock my device), so I'm using keepass touch, which is a MiniKeepass fork, but with ads, and they've been ignoring my requests for source code (MiniKeepass is GPL).
Browser integration is a pain; you haveto install an extension to Keepass, and then to your browser, and set them up correctly. Steps are at [0]
It works, but is a lot more hassle (which as a result means I'm more likely to skip it and use an insecure password) than Lastpass was.