Heh. If you have a procedure that's that simple, please blog about it.
Here's what I had to do:
- Download the lein script and put it in my PATH
- Download package.el and put it in my .emacs load-path
- lein self-install
- make a project directory, and 'lein new projname .' inside
- modify the resulting project.clj to add
:dev-dependencies [[leiningen/lein-swank "1.1.0"]
[swank-clojure "1.2.1"]]
- lein deps in said directory
- Install package.el, and then install slime, clojure-mode, slime-repl, and swank-clojure with it (and fight with it and get confused about why it didn't know about slime-repl until I installed it several times but then noticed it when I restarted Aquamacs)
This is what I did too. It works, and is simple and easy. The downside is that it sort of "takes over" SLIME and prevents you from easily using other Lisps with it. As a frequent SBCL user, I found this annoying. I ended up putting a switch in my .emacs which I can turn on and off depending on whether I want my SLIME to use Clojure, or some other Lisp. Suboptimal, and someone really needs to fix this Clojure-SLIME integration problem, but it serves my needs.