Sorkin is a fantastic writer. Some of the best TV shows of the past 12 years (The West Wing, Studio 60, Sports Night) were written by Sorkin. When I first heard about Sorkin doing a Facebook movie I was dismayed. However, now, given all the things that are going on with Facebook, I think it shows he has an insight beyond most (this movie has been in the works for quite some time now).
I did not like that movie. It felt like the movie was building the whole time and then abruptly ended. They were trying to start a war and then all of a sudden the war was over.
Yeah, those are some of my favorite shows (I watch Sports Night whenever I stay home sick). Sorkin only wrote the first four seasons of West Wing which is why they're really the only ones worth watching.
The fifth season is mostly awful. The seventh season picks up a bit, but with the things they did to Toby's character, and with the incredibly lame "live" episode, it's hard to pretend it lives up to the first four seasons (each of which won the Emmy for best drama).
The seasons are, however, noticeably different from the Sorkin ones. Some find it to be better, worse or all the same. I have to admit that they felt subpar, but obviously not downright bad.