"There were also a couple of companies that assigned me coding tests where they asked me to “print a ladder” and “find repeating numbers.” I rejected those tests not because of arrogance but because my skills were beyond what they thought is needed from the role. And yes, the roles were for a Software Architect. However, instead of testing my skills in architecture and logic, I had to print a ladder on the screen."
This is arrogance. In my experience, most companies throw simple tests even at people applying for higher positions for several reasons:
1. It very quickly sorts out people who lie on their resume
2. You can tell a lot about a person's skill level by how they answer even a simple coding assignment - how are functions and variables named, does it take in args, what style is the commenting, does it do error handling, input validation, which language features are used to solve it etc, etc?
To be honest, it's also a good filter for people like, well, the author. I don't want to work with an arrogant "rockstar" who's "too good" for FizzBuzz.
3. Software Architects don't get to spend all day every day building sandcastles of the mind; sometimes they have to get down in the trenches and write some low-level code. If they won't do it during an interview, they probably won't do it on the job either.
In fact, I'd never trust an architect that didn't. I've worked with too many that can solve problems on a white board but hand wave away real world issues.
> how are functions and variables named, does it take in args, what style is the commenting, does it do error handling, input validation, which language features are used to solve it etc, etc?
A lot of that is going to depend on the test. For fizzbuzz using functions at all would be over complicated, if it's timed then I'm not going to bother with comments and variable naming.
Yeah, I've never really understood being _offended_ by being asked to do something relatively simple (and honestly, those are actually pretty good problems). I might consider it a little amusing if somebody asked me to write FizzBuzz or something really basic, but I would shrug my shoulders and do it.
I agree, although I might be offended if an interviewer spent more than a few minutes on such things once it was clear that you could do them. However, that's more about not respecting the value of your time than the difficulty of the problem(s), just like expecting you to do a day of homework problem(s) before they even meet you.
This is arrogance. In my experience, most companies throw simple tests even at people applying for higher positions for several reasons:
1. It very quickly sorts out people who lie on their resume
2. You can tell a lot about a person's skill level by how they answer even a simple coding assignment - how are functions and variables named, does it take in args, what style is the commenting, does it do error handling, input validation, which language features are used to solve it etc, etc?