Gee, ever since she was three years old and playing with Disney dolls, e.g., Cinderella, she was dreaming of HER dream man, on a white horse, in shining armor, picking her up and carrying her off to their love nest castle on the top of the mountain.
Alas, with current economic conditions -- those suits of shining armor and white horses can really set a guy back -- she gets a guy, he did just take a shower, in blue denim on a mule?
Ah, for sure the good, old days of romance are gone with the wind forever?
But, now, with Silicon Valley and everyone making at least $10,000 a week, what's the big deal of a $10,000 diamond?
Or, suppose in 10 years she discovers it's not a diamond? And in the meanwhile the startup went public, and he got $600 million. Now that she's had her romantic heart crushed by the fake diamond, her mom, who never thought he was good enough for her to begin with, reminds her of the beautiful California community property law, and suddenly he has to pay both his lawyer's fees and hers, loses the house, the kids, the new, high end Mercedes SUV, the boat, the boat house, the kids, the three dogs, and half of what is left of the $600 million and has to pay child support for kids he can't see and alimony forever. All because he was cheap and bought a fake?
Alas, with current economic conditions -- those suits of shining armor and white horses can really set a guy back -- she gets a guy, he did just take a shower, in blue denim on a mule?
Ah, for sure the good, old days of romance are gone with the wind forever?
But, now, with Silicon Valley and everyone making at least $10,000 a week, what's the big deal of a $10,000 diamond?
Or, suppose in 10 years she discovers it's not a diamond? And in the meanwhile the startup went public, and he got $600 million. Now that she's had her romantic heart crushed by the fake diamond, her mom, who never thought he was good enough for her to begin with, reminds her of the beautiful California community property law, and suddenly he has to pay both his lawyer's fees and hers, loses the house, the kids, the new, high end Mercedes SUV, the boat, the boat house, the kids, the three dogs, and half of what is left of the $600 million and has to pay child support for kids he can't see and alimony forever. All because he was cheap and bought a fake?
Just kidding, guys!!!! :-)!!