The first three books, for example, are essential for those who'd like to live a longer life. Personally, I find living to be quite a fun, comparing to being dead. I think people should be taught basic ideas about how to stay alive, which these books present.
What you're saying is a simplification. Not eating from McDonalds is not enough. Cancer was linked to specific diets, so don't think you're safe just because you're no a fastfood fan. Also significant number of accidents on the roads happen because people are drowsy - a result of a huge sleep debt, which might not be as obvious (you may sleep 8 hours the night before and steel be drowsy at the wheel).
Also, if you're looking for some data, the problem is that many fatal accidents' causes are reported as unknown. Given the results of the simulation, a majority of those accidents may be related to sleep deprivation.
Well , listen, you're wrong - that's why you should read the book. Say you sleep 7 hours a night instead of 8. Brain keeps track of the sleep you take. If you miss some, it adds it to your sleep debt. Then after a week you got full 8 hours extra sleep debt and even if you sleep 8 hours the night before you drive, you'll feel drowsy very soon after you wake up.
Researches have been conducted which proved that the condition after a lack of sleep 1 hour each night during a week would be equal to the condition when you haven't slept through the night.