If you mean IntelliSense in VS Code, I just got this figured out today! The official docs will walk you through it[1]. Be careful about reading blogs about how to do it, the process has changed from when you used to use "tsd". You need to click the little green light bulb at the bottom right of the editor to create a jsconfig.json file. Then install the typings module with:
npm install -g typings
then install the language files you want. This will install node completion:
typings install dt~node --global
No, I don't use vim or any similar arcane editor. When I hear someone is happy e.g. with vim, and then I see how they use it (e.g. you can see screencasts from Golang team on youtube) - they just use it as a vanilla plain text editor, slightly better (or worse?) than Notepad.exe. Maybe basic syntax coloring, and that's it, nothing more...