They do mention MOSTEK in passing, but this article is literally about who created the first single chip microprocessor. Those other companies aren't even in the running.
At least Pico/GI got a mention. I grew up in that area during this period, and my Dad knew a few of the engineers through his work. Also I rode the train to school with a girl around my age who I (much) later discovered was the daughter of the lead designer for their CPU. If only I had known how cool she was ;)
Another important thing to note is that the story of the first microprocessors is one that was largely galvanized and thus dominated by US military investment in the 60s. This bankrolled research in those days, getting ICs out of small-/medium-scale integration (< 500 transistors) into large-scale and onward - at which point Intel, Mostek and others showed up on the scene (circa 1970) to target the commercial market.