In Europe that road would have a 40mph or maybe 50mph speed limit. A 65mph road would not have crossings without traffic lights, and a 75mph road would not have crossings at all.
Yet Tesla's autopilot apparently drove 74 on this road? Not that I think that speeding was the cause here (i.e. going 65 would not have prevented probably) but I think there should be a special sort of fine for speeding autopilots, that's just not acceptable at all..
yeah, rural crossings are dangerous in the US, but it's probably not worth the inconvenience and cost of lowering the speed limits or adding stops.
people expect to use these things to travel hundreds of miles in a reasonable amount of time. there are literally thousands of these highways, and probably hundreds of thousands of crossings.
To be fair, it looks like the visibility is great, I don't know the weather conditions at the time of the accident but I feel the 'driver' must not have had his eyes on the road at all. It's not like a combinator like that speeds onto a highway, it was probably visibly entering it from a mile away.