Summary: School system alters math curriculum for students. Parents, being naturally curious, read up on the relevant academic research into math pedagogy using ERIC and JSTOR. The parents listed the pros and cons of each curriculum, carefully comparing the two options. Then, just to be sure, they cross-validated their findings with the latest research in cognitive development and educational theory.
While realizing that science is an ongoing and imperfect process, they were sufficiently convinced of their correctness to proceed with creating an informative and emotionally compelling website to spread their newfound knowledge.
Schools do not teach everything in the classroom. They send the kids home with 2 hours of homework and the school expects that the parents to know how to do it.
It would be alright whatever they tought, if they could teach it in school first before sending it home but they can't because they have so much information to cover that is on the state test they often send the excess home without teaching it or without teaching it fully.
I have two kids one in 5th and the other in 6th grade. With school, homework, and activities (scouting, guitar, drums, karate, church youth group, after school activities, etc) our kids are often pulling 10 hour days.
Homework often gets sent home because parents expect it, not because teachers think it's useful. My wife has tried not assigning any homework at all, or assigning open-ended homework (e.g. read any book you like for at least half an hour). The complaints from parents were overwhelming, and now she's back to assigning busy-work that she feels is useless for anything but keeping parents happy.
While realizing that science is an ongoing and imperfect process, they were sufficiently convinced of their correctness to proceed with creating an informative and emotionally compelling website to spread their newfound knowledge.