I recently spun up a horizon(http://horizon.io) project on Digital Ocean with a Vue.js front end, and it has been by far the best experience I've had with full stack javascript, ever.
I really hope things like this start getting Vue the hype it deserves, because even though I'm a JS churn hater, this is one of the good ones. Much much nicer and simpler to work with than React or Angular, but using the ideas that have made them both of them great and popular.
Same experience here. We've done a couple of projects with Angular and React in the past, then tried Vue one year ago and the learning curve was so much smoother !
Evan's focus seem to be on developer experience, and the result is really convincing, at least for me and my team.
Yeah, I've also had a really nice experience using Vue. It's easy enough for a non-front-end engineer to get started with. And at the same time I can bring in all the components I want and combine with Vuex to get a nicely structured application.
Vue reminds me of Ember, but with a few years worth of advantages: less legacy code, learnt from React's model, and more stable APIs over time. Progressively enhancing your site with Vue also seems a lot more straightforward.
It appears to have been built by ElemeFE, which I'm assuming is the Frontend dev team of 饿了么 (eleme), a food-delivery company based in Shanghai. I'm happy to see Chinese startups embracing open-source contributions a bit more - feels like a very positive development, especially given the scope of the tech ecosystem there.
On the UI side, this feels very un-opinionated. This could be a good thing or a bad thing. Personally, I'm more drawn to something like Bootstrap or Material UI, where the design choices have already been made, and I can throw together a prototype that looks good enough without actually writing much CSS at all. With this, I feel like I'm going to need to write a lot more CSS to get some kind of reasonably cohesive UI in my application.
Plus one on material design and bootstrap. I've found that I'm able to churn out releases quicker since there isn't much learning. I just include two/three lines at the top & I'm good to go.
At my current company, I occasionally have to step in and help with the front end (I'm mainly a backend guy) and we use Vue.js here. I'm hugely impressed every time I have to use it because of the amount of work that I can get done in such a short amount of time.
I probably sound like a fanboy, but every time I've used Vue.js, I've been astounded by how expressive it is.
I know everyone else is saying that this is really fast, but on my desktop machine it's actually slower than regular HN. That said, HN is really fast for me, so there isn't much room for improvement to begin with.
I don't know why this dude is getting downvoted. He's actually right, some mobile browsers do really really really inane shit when you're doing CSS3 animations.
Example: Safari. I don't know if it affects today's Safari, but semi-recently (in the past 2 years) it hasn't been too performant there.
I would like to bitch about the name: are there already not enough projects named Mint, including at least one that is quasi-related to UI, such as Mint, the Debian fork, that features the Cinnamon DE?
I'm glad Vue.js is starting to get the exposure it deserves. I've been using it on all my projects since its very early stages, and it's by far the easiest, and most enjoyable reactive front end library that I've found. Minimal, simple syntax, that focuses only on the view/model portion is exactly what I wanted.
React: There are tons of repositories for React components. http://react-toolbox.com/ might be the closest to what you are thinking. I am not familiar enough with React to make a confident recommendation.
I just wish we had more on par with the desktop-ish, enterprisey stuff that ExtJS native interfaces provide, instead of umpteen material design drop-in-a-pond animation buttons... I'd be content with a good enough datatable that's not an abandoned port from some jquery plugin...
None of these are limited to whichever tech they were initially created with, it just takes someone with the motivation to port the library-specific bits over.
e.g. for React, there are ports of Ionic, Bootstrap (the only one in this list I've actually used so far), Foundation for Apps and about 3 different implementations of Material Design, plus new UI component libraries like Belle, Elemental UI, Grommet, cf-ui, TouchstoneJS, Rebass, Pivotal UI and probably more since last time I checked.
I keep going back and forth what to focus on more learning wise - vue or angular2. I'm using vue1 currently and enjoy it, but job prospect wise angular is much more known. Then there's vue2 on the horizon - so do I just wait for that. I also so far like typescript, which angular2 focuses on. Sometimes the speed at which this stuff moves can be too fast to make proper decisions.
I recently spun up a horizon(http://horizon.io) project on Digital Ocean with a Vue.js front end, and it has been by far the best experience I've had with full stack javascript, ever.
I really hope things like this start getting Vue the hype it deserves, because even though I'm a JS churn hater, this is one of the good ones. Much much nicer and simpler to work with than React or Angular, but using the ideas that have made them both of them great and popular.