Some good stuff here, and some dreck dressed up as profundity, I think. Of course depending on one's position in the software foodchain, what's dreck and what's wisdom might vary.
Tom van Vleck's software quality / Black Death analogy makes all the sense in the world to me while I'm nose-down in the code. To my clients and my managers it's probably worse than gibberish. Conversely, "Deming's 14 points" strike me as meaningless word salad.
And if I could mention one I love that's not on that list: "Premature optimization is the root of all evil." (Donald Knuth)
I like this one. But it's only really possible to do that with a fully unit tested application. And when rewriting it out, you'll need a test in place to reproduce the error before actually fixing it.
> If something is worth doing once, it's worth building a tool to do it.
People I work with find me odd for doing little tools that automate things. I find this to be an excellent indicator of how good a developer is and how much I can trust them to develop something for me.
> It is not enough to do your best: you must know what to do, and THEN do your best.
Sage advice. Never thought of it like that, but very insightful.
> when the cart stops
> do you whip the cart
> or whip the ox?
Don't get it. To place in coding analog, does this mean that people would whip the code rather than the developers of said code? If so, then that doesn't make sense. developers will tend to bear the brunt of any failures of the code they produce. Don't they?
I always thought that I was wasting time until I read this one a few years ago.