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Ask HN: Is it better to centralize authentication at a security service?
42 points by mpbm on April 20, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 22 comments
https://medium.com/@justinjsmith/hatin-on-microservice-passwords-4f8f0c0143ec#.rmxrg2h9l Justin's argument is summarized thus "It’s true that a client must still authenticate with the security service, but the security service provides a central place to focus on and to harden. As I mentioned previously, it’s less about how the client authenticates, and more about where the client authenticates". Do you think this argument holds up? It sounds a bit like throwing up our hands and saying that instead of trying to solve the problem we'll just shift responsibility for failure.

I don't see one of the critical pieces mentioned here of having a centralized authentication structure which is revocation. If everyone is using a central point for authentication if you ever have to remove someone it is a stable amount of work, but also if you have to change one individual's access in response to policy or a true need it is also the same place.

A security policy is much easier to prove correct if authorization and authentication stem from the same place. You don't have to aggregate many systems and then try to fold that data down before analysis.

I prefer this centralized authentication to be restricted to a particular realm (like a particular website/company) and not universal though.

This was my experience as well. We built a decentralized authz/authn system that used signed tokens had a lot of trouble with revocations. In the end, we had to give up decentralization to get quick revocation right.

What exactly is hard about revocations in a distributed authentication system?

You have an "owner" that is authenticated (in whatever way) with the distributed system. They have a private key and a certificate, say.

Now, you have a "conversation" or some other activity, which is a growing append-only merkle tree, ie everyone can "append to" a node on their copy of the tree, signed with their HMAC / certificate, and broadcast the result to whoever they want to know about it. It's a merkle tree because if I append to node X, I can prove what state the tree was in when I appended.

So now, one of the operations can be granting/revoking access. The owner starts with the root of the tree and can grant access to others who get the tree to perform some operations. Later on, the owner can revoke some access in any given subtree, by posting this revoke operation on the appropriate node.

It is true that a group can fork the tree and disrespect the owner, and go rogue. This is like forking the blockchain in Bitcoin. This is by design. But if all clients have a dispute resolution procedure (eg use the longest blockchain, or in this case, don't ignore the wishes of owner of the tree) then the rules are enforced. A particular conversation participant may perform an operation "after" its access has been revoked, but when it tries to broadcast it, the other clients will see its vector clock is "later" than the owner's, and reject that operation (something the rogue client will discover itself when it tries to pull updates to the conversation).

An even easier way is to have each conversation have a centralized authority that must be consulted for every action. The authority can have mirrors in case it goes down. But that doesn't mean the AUTHENTICATION has to be centralized, only the authorization to post TO A PARTICULAR CONVERSATION.

This is all new to me. Can you recommend some further reading?

I am not sure about the scholarly works... the main ideas are:

In a distributed environment, the concept of "after" changes from a linear one to a tree one. The idea that a client can't post "after" you revoked their permission needs to be revised.

If you want to maintain linear order of messages, each node in the tree has to be owned by someone. So for example I own my own comment and if someone responds to my comment I have to accept it and broadcast in what order that happened.

But that doesn't require the authentication to be centralized, nor the publishing. However, there is a central authority for each node in a tree.

In addition, you now have to solve the byzantine generals problem so that the servers don't say different things to different people. To be honest this same problem exists with a centralized authority, and distributed servers can be held to account better, because they don't have a monopoly.

From a user interface standpoint I think centralized authentication is one of the most important things.

Consider an intranet. If you have one password to log into all of your enterprise applications you are going to know how to log in and you will use all those applications.

If you have 20 different applications you use at work and you have 20 different logins, probably some of those services will end up in a state where you have to bug IT people to get a password reset when you ever need to use them. There will be others you just don't use at all, and maybe that suits management because they'd rather you didn't take time off from work anyway. (ex. application you use to claim time off from work)

It's not only user interface, it's also security. A password is something that you have to remember. If you need 20 (distinct?) passwords, there's no way you can remember all of them, thus you'll resort to other ways to "remember" them. In most situations, this is actually lowering the security of the system.

You can also argue this same point from a security standpoint. Having a single centralized authentication that users must always sign in to and they are never required to sign in elsewhere will make users more aware of any phishing attempts. If a user suddenly sees a prompt in a different location or from a different service for their credentials they are less likely to just provide the credentials there and question it's authenticity.

That makes sense. The way my thoughts have been going from reading about this and passwordless authentication is that it's a lot more important WHO you trust than HOW you trust.

If both the user and the service independently trust the security agent, then each of them only needs to trust one actor.

It does imply an important discussion regarding how many eggs should go in one basket.

Kerberos basically.

I very much think auth should be centralized.

It gives you a lot of benefits.

- Easier to scale securely. Adding 100 auth'ed services that may or may not work differently is a recipe for disaster. Ad-hoc security by people who aren't security experts generally does not work...And maintaining it will not be easy....

- One way to auth. Developers make fewer auth mistakes this way. For example, if you are a Go shop, you have a company wide auth package that can be used by everyone. Mistakes are limited this way. Fewer vulnerabilities. Less developer friction and more productivity, not having to have developers worry about auth themselves.

- Control. Revocation and adding new permissions is hard if it is not central. How many services have to restart when someone quits or a service is hacked. How do you even know how to revoke something if some auth scheme is built where one service can talk to several services with the same auth token? As complexity is added, the process is more unclear. This leads to mistakes.

There are more but these three bullet points came to mind first.

  There’s an argument to be made that some datacenter
  topologies have segmented their networks such that there’s
  no reason for clients to authenticate. I’m generally not a   
  fan of this approach because over the years I’ve come to 
  believe there is untrusted code running “in the perimeter”
So I don't think this statement on it's own is necessarily egregiously bad, but I think there are some excellent general take-a-ways that should apply to anyone who's running a SaaS business:

1. "Certain Network Topologies" should be "Most", or at least "Your" network topology. And this statement doesn't need to be confusing: You're going to run sensitive services on your network, you're going to run databases, and those services really shouldn't be exposed to the outside world. Even your applications should ideally not be exposed directly to the outside world, they should be proxied by a load balancer / network gateway that forwards only expected traffic to your service. Make your LBs default to not allowing traffic so that you can confirm this. Use services like ELB and VPC if you're in Amazon.

2. "Untrusted code running in the perimeter" is a situation that you should A) control, and B) aggressively be defensive about.

3. If you're going to go all the way with service auth, you need to think about how safe your secrets are. If your code is shipping with the secrets, then you're really gunning for security by obscurity. Keeping secrets on disk is a security hole. Heck, even keeping plaintext secrets in memory is not fool-proof.

I liked the article, but generally speaking, you really do need a comprehensive solution to service-to-service auth if you want to go down that road, because taking shortcuts is going to just expose you to a ton of downsides without even attaining the upshot. And regardless of if you set up service-to-service auth, you really should be segmenting networks anyways for a host of reasons, and layering auth on top of that. So these two things are inter-related on some levels, but form a layered security approach together :-).

> It sounds a bit like throwing up our hands and saying that instead of trying to solve the problem we'll just shift responsibility for failure.

To me it sounds like recognizing a good solution to the problem and implementing it. Unless you have a good counter-reason to offer why a centralized authentication service is a bigger problem?

(Note there is a sliding scale on how often you need to hit the security service. You can have every single request going there, or you can have it give out tokens with varying permissions your services then can validate themselves. Cloudflare's blog recently described how they use internal CAs to authenticate services against each other, basically only requiring a service to once get a certificate, there are concepts like Google Macaroons, ...)

The primary( and really, only ) recommendation against central authentication is that the provider becomes an extremely juicy attack target.

We live in a world of asymmetric warfare in which attackers can screw up thousands of times, but defenders only need to screw up once. Dramatically increase the payoff of compromise, and the risk increases accordingly.

I know this smacks of security by obscurity, but in the real world, incentives for attackers are absolutely part of the risk calculation.

Centralized authentication can be a problem when you can't ensure a robust enough protocol for all applications and you often fall to the domain of the lowest common denominator.

Another pitfall is when people centralize both authentication and authorization which leads to allot of issues mostly loss of granular control over permissions and information exposure.

If you are using some sort of SSO/Global Token based authentication you should let your applications handle the authorization, and you should not store information about the user's privileges within the token itself.

>There was mutually-authenticated SSL, but the required key distribution seemed too hard, especially at scale.

>There are several open source security services out there. Use them!

Something like https://www.vaultproject.io/ would be a solid foundation for either running your own CA with narrowly scoped / time limited TLS client certs, or managing secrets for generating signed identity assertions, e.g. a JWT.

My worry would be if you end up on bad terms with said security service. Does this mean your site/app loses the ability to get sign ups till you move somewhere else? If so, that's a pretty big problem, especially if you do something controversial or the government has a hand in things.

That's one of the reasons I've always been skeptical of centralised anything. It's another potential group to fall out with or point of weakness.

"Centralized" doesn't mean you rely on Github or Google or Microsoft or whoever, although you can. It means you handle authentication and authorization with a service that does that job, instead of shared secrets or "well, it's on this VLAN, it must be OK". You can run your own OAuth2 (or whatever) provider pretty easily these days.

Google login option is getting close to being "table stakes" for startup SaaS services. We also use it for our internal admin and it's actually kinda nice there, too. I haven't seen any problems so far but I do worry about everything being Google.

Isn't the whole point of Kerberos to secure (micro)services like this?

Read the NIST 800 series identity materials.

If you're worried about infrastructure being online, issue certificates and trust certificates signed by your CA.

I'm going to take the opposite tack and say decentralized produces a better result. It's waaay harder to implement, but then the result is better.

Centralized has the fundamental problem of power and choice: witness how facebook, amazon, twitter, Apple, etc. can do whatever they want in their ecosystem. Facebook's users aren't going anywhere, they're essentially trapped if they want to get updates from their "friends", so they'll have to put up with whatever choices the social network makes.

But the biggest power imabance is with developers / publishers. Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Apple, etc. have all been known to push around their third party publishers, compete with them, and even simply disconnect them whenever they want. Those publishers cannot connect directly with their users without a decentralized login.

And if you're into privacy, you might want to consider how much easier it is for state actors (and hackers) to have backdoors into just one server farm that has everyone's auth information rather than if profiles were stored like the web -- each person could choose their own host.

Distributed auth is possible. What you need is a distributed protocol and reference implementations. Something like OpenID or oAuth is a good start. You can sign up with network X and then use X to auth with other networks. Sadly, xauth was discontinued and everyone assumes Facebook, Twitter et al can be the only OpenID or oAuth providers.

What we need is a new protocol, and that's something we've been working hard on, and have successfully designed.

It doesn't even require you to share your user id, name, etc. with the consumer sites you visit. They can be instantly personalized for you and show you all your friends without knowing who you are. When you are ready, you use oAuth (or something essentially similar) to start building up your profiles in other communities.

No third party can know that user A in community CA authenticated as user B in community CB, unless you sharethat information. You know that thing, "Your friend FooBar is on Instagram as Baz?" That's stuff I might not want everyone to know if Instagram is, say, a porn site. A few years ago, there was a huge uproar about Facebook's "instant personalization" with "trusted partners". Today, it came back and no one cares.

Truth is, we are giving up our power as consumers, and even more so as producers who eventually build our own communities on the back of large, entrenched, centralized communities. Do we really want to centralize power when we see all the bad stuff it can lead to? (Internet 2.0 in India because FB is the only option, Net Neutrality fight because telcos are too centralized, etc.)

I say, once we get the tech right, it can be replicated. After all, bitcoin distributed money. The Web, Email, Git, etc are all distributed. Why not social??

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