I'll take 2,000+ years of recorded human history, across multiple cultures and ethnicities/races, over Buffett's views, thanks.
How about I counter with Bernard Baruch:
"Gold has worked down from Alexander's time ... When something holds good for two thousand years I do not believe it can be so because of prejudice or mistaken theory."
If you apply the same argument to astrology, would you accept that we should hold it as a valuable part of human civilization as well?
Astrology is older than 2000+ years and it is used by multiple cultures and races. Only recently that scientific advances have convinced a substantial percentage of population to think otherwise.
If the exact same kind of astrology (not different variants) were used, and it was shown to have predictive power, perhaps I could see the equivalence between gold and astrology.
Example: I time travel back to 500AD, do some kind of service, get paid in gold and bury it in a specific place so I can retrieve it. Then in 2010 I get the gold - it has retained its value over that broad span of time.
Astrology - I use it in early September 2001 to predict a massive upheaval in US economy - I buy a bunch of short positions on September 9th, 2001 and make a boatload of money.
The difference here is that, with currency, if everybody agrees that something is currency, it IS currency, whereas astrology makes false claims about the physical world.
How about I counter with Bernard Baruch:
"Gold has worked down from Alexander's time ... When something holds good for two thousand years I do not believe it can be so because of prejudice or mistaken theory."