Their web page still says "f.lux is patent pending."
Apple's "Night Shift" is great news for f.lux. If f.lux can get their patent then the billion dollar target is square in their sights.
I haven't seen anything on what exactly they are trying to patent to guess if Apple is infringing, but it does appear the f.lux business model is to get users hooked on white point shifting then profit from the patent.
Their web page still says "f.lux is patent pending."
Apple's "Night Shift" is great news for f.lux. If f.lux can get their patent then the billion dollar target is square in their sights.
I haven't seen anything on what exactly they are trying to patent to guess if Apple is infringing, but it does appear the f.lux business model is to get users hooked on white point shifting then profit from the patent.