Depends on the application. Ahmdahl's law comes into play; if there's a non-parallelizable component to what you're doing, it tends to dominate execution time. Managing lots of threads isn't really a big deal for modern operating systems, but communication between threads can be a big bottleneck.
Having lots of cores isn't likely to matter much for mobile users, simply because most mobile apps are neither optimized for parallelization nor CPU-hungry in the first place. If 4 cores are good enough, it doesn't matter if you add hundreds more. That said, there may be specific application that might benefit, such as computer vision.
Having lots of cores isn't likely to matter much for mobile users, simply because most mobile apps are neither optimized for parallelization nor CPU-hungry in the first place. If 4 cores are good enough, it doesn't matter if you add hundreds more. That said, there may be specific application that might benefit, such as computer vision.