The most complex single piece of code I ever wrote was a scheduler. The user could specify a pattern of when events should be raised (eg on this date, at this time, every other hour on the last day of every month, at midnight for me in this TZ on a server in another TZ, etc), and the scheduler would raise the events at the prescribed instant(s).
That took about 9 months, and my biggest takeaway was that how humans measure time is completely f*ed up!
The most complex single piece of code I ever wrote was a scheduler. The user could specify a pattern of when events should be raised (eg on this date, at this time, every other hour on the last day of every month, at midnight for me in this TZ on a server in another TZ, etc), and the scheduler would raise the events at the prescribed instant(s).
That took about 9 months, and my biggest takeaway was that how humans measure time is completely f*ed up!