async/await are a form of stackless coroutines (or stackless delimited continuations although that term is rarely, if ever used). They're a limited form of delimited continuations, and are mostly used as a compromise when implementing full coroutines is hard (or not wanted for some reason). Clojure's core.async's go blocks are also stackless coroutines. Basically, they're delimited continuations that only allow suspension ("shift") at the topmost stack frame of the continuation, and don't allow suspending at deeper stack frames.
I think that most languages don't want the complexity of coroutines, as they are a unfamiliar concept to most programmers. It is a shame that they've never gained popularity as they are very general concept.
A different take on the merits of explicit yielding (whether by async/await or raw generators), and the perils of full coroutines, by Glyph Lefkowitz of Twisted Python fame:
I'd say that Lefkowitz's claims are mostly relevant when your runtime has no multicore support (like Python). If your runtime is single-threaded, explicit yields might (it's mostly a matter of taste), make explicit reasoning about state-change ordering easier. But then you're using shared-state concurrency again, and unsafe shared-state to boot. If your runtime has multicore support -- like Java or .NET -- all this doesn't matter, because those concurrent changes Lefkowitz is talking about may happen any time -- not just at yield points.
The solution, of course, is not to use unsafe-shared-state-concurrency! Either use threads with messages (like Erlang), or threads with transactional shared-state, like Clojure, or both (in fact even Erlang has both actors and ETS, and Clojure has agents and channels as well as atoms and refs).