Wait. Who in the hell releases something on multiple platforms without testing those platforms a single time?! O_o Multiple platform support has always, ALWAYS, required additional work on every project I've ever worked on. Often significant amounts.
When developing a Chrome extension or Firefox add-on or Greasemonkey script, do you test it on Windows, OS X, and Linux?
Sublime Text is the only editor we've had to build platform-specific workarounds for. Atom, Emacs, Neovim, IntelliJ and ilk (PyCharm, WebStorm, etc)... none of them have these sorts of bugs. (They have other bugs, but they're consistent across platforms.) Comments such as, "You didn't test it on every platform?!" are succumbing to hindsight bias.
Originally, our plugin just used the Python bundled with Sublime Text. Only after discovering these bugs did we add work-arounds that used the system Python.