Sorry, I think I misinterpreted your original post (apologies). I thought you were saying "is this only good for one liners?", not "can this be done in one line". Now that I further understand what you are saying, I can very confidently say we are on the same page. What we have now should hint at what we want: there's actually no code to generate a graph, we interpret that any array (or array of arrays, or array of objects that have the same keys) can be interpreted as a graph. So we allow you to put that view on the data after the fact (as opposed to forcing you to learn the histogram function for example). Under the hood this is done with some schema generation/sniffing and query language. All this to say, the current graph viewer is certainly more powerful under the hood -- and we'd definitely like to make the features you requested easily available. Again -- really sorry I misunderstood what you were saying.