| | Linux touchpad like a Macbook: goal worth pursuing? (williambharding.com) |
433 points by macco on July 17, 2018 | past | 336 comments
| | Linux touchpad like a Macbook: goal worth pursuing? (williambharding.com) |
2 points by adgasf on June 15, 2018 | past
| | Linux touchpad like a Macbook: goal worth pursuing? (williambharding.com) |
12 points by wbharding on April 15, 2018 | past | 1 comment
| | Linux touchpad like a Macbook: goal worth pursuing? (williambharding.com) |
3 points by wbharding on April 12, 2018 | past
| | Linux with a Macbook Touchpad Feel (williambharding.com) |
3 points by wbharding on Jan 7, 2018 | past
| | How successful entrepreneurs describe themselves (williambharding.com) |
1 point by wbharding on June 16, 2017 | past
| | Best interview questions to spot ideal employees (williambharding.com) |
41 points by wbharding on Jan 14, 2016 | past | 22 comments
| | Meta-analysis: best interview questions to spot ideal employees (williambharding.com) |
1 point by wbharding on Dec 31, 2015 | past
| | Evernote QA Report: Merge & Sync (williambharding.com) |
2 points by wbharding on Nov 6, 2015 | past
| | Is Gmail secure from its employees? (williambharding.com) |
4 points by wbharding on Jan 15, 2015 | past
| | Moving the company to Hawaii every February? Doable (williambharding.com) |
1 point by wbharding on March 2, 2014 | past
| | Rails 3.2 Performance: Another Step Slower (williambharding.com) |
111 points by wbharding on Nov 27, 2013 | past | 95 comments
| | Ubuntu's Unity: the dark side of simplicity (williambharding.com) |
1 point by wbharding on April 22, 2012 | past