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| | Tone It Down (Criticism of Atomwise, YC Startup) (corante.com) |
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18 points by thanatosmin on March 12, 2015 | past | 1 comment
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| | What STEM Shortage? Where? How? (2014) (corante.com) |
1 point by barry-cotter on Jan 19, 2015 | past
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6 points by ColinCochrane on Jan 9, 2015 | past
| | Teixobactin: A New Antibiotic from a New Platform? (corante.com) |
25 points by mhb on Jan 9, 2015 | past | 3 comments
| | Nonstop Glamour and Prestige (corante.com) |
1 point by omnibrain on Jan 6, 2015 | past
| | Daiichi Sankyo Will Pay You a Million Dollars (corante.com) |
1 point by tshtf on Dec 11, 2014 | past
| | An Open-Source Cancer Pitch, Deconstructed (corante.com) |
7 points by dbcooper on Oct 28, 2014 | past | 2 comments
| | Things I Won't Work With: Peroxide Peroxides (corante.com) |
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