| | RAD's ground breaking lossless compression product benchmarked (richg42.blogspot.com) |
80 points by rinesh on Aug 4, 2016 | past | 28 comments
| | Hiring Group Dynamics (2016) (richg42.blogspot.com) |
2 points by epsylon on April 29, 2016 | past
| | Tips for Interviewing at Software Companies (richg42.blogspot.com) |
2 points by dr_art on April 11, 2016 | past
| | Why I left Unity (richg42.blogspot.com) |
25 points by mpalme on April 10, 2016 | past | 25 comments
| | Zlib in serious danger of becoming obsolete (richg42.blogspot.com) |
26 points by pettou on Jan 18, 2016 | past | 2 comments
| | The future of GPU texture compression (richg42.blogspot.com) |
13 points by potench on Dec 8, 2015 | past | 4 comments
| | File patching using data compression with flushing (richg42.blogspot.com) |
12 points by _wmd on Oct 27, 2015 | past | 3 comments
| | File patching using data compression with flushing (richg42.blogspot.com) |
2 points by _wmd on Oct 26, 2015 | past
| | iOS Memory Pressure Hell: Apple's 64-bit Requirement+Unity's IL2CPP Tech (richg42.blogspot.com) |
1 point by mirceasoaica on June 2, 2015 | past
| | Lessons learned while fixing memory leaks in our first Unity title (richg42.blogspot.com) |
2 points by mirceasoaica on May 29, 2015 | past
| | Lessons learned while fixing memory leaks in our first Unity title (richg42.blogspot.com) |
3 points by ndesaulniers on May 22, 2015 | past
| | Download+Decompress Performance of Various Codecs (richg42.blogspot.com) |
2 points by mischanix on Feb 4, 2015 | past
| | Open Office Spaces and Cabal Rooms Suck (richg42.blogspot.com) |
12 points by epsylon on Jan 2, 2015 | past
| | [dupe] The Truth on OpenGL Driver Quality (richg42.blogspot.com) |
3 points by ANTSANTS on Nov 20, 2014 | past | 3 comments
| | State of Linux Gaming (richg42.blogspot.com) |
89 points by lmedinas on Nov 10, 2014 | past | 85 comments
| | The Truth on OpenGL Driver Quality (richg42.blogspot.com) |
165 points by jcastro on May 12, 2014 | past | 109 comments
| | Things that drive me nuts about OpenGL (richg42.blogspot.com) |
97 points by nkurz on May 11, 2014 | past | 71 comments