Edit, forget what I said. I missed the keyword 'paid'.
Threads earlier this year apparently got 70 million user signed up the first 48h. I would assume this leads to at least >1m Android users?
First example I came to think about, might be much better examples out there. Regardless, something with "more than 100,000 people" in 48h is probably not the fastest growing Android app.
What are you missing? If only a few tasks you could just VNC to a “desktop OS” for these tasks. I would assume most things that requires such OS requires an internet connection anyway.
I still primary use a laptop, but that is because I like the form of it. So I have no actual experience trying to survive with only iOS.
> you could just VNC to a “desktop OS” for these tasks
There are many places in the world where the availability of the internet is so spotty and so poor, that trying to use VNC to get work done would not be possible.
In Sweden, we only use that word to talk about exchange studies within that program. If someone mentions Erasmus, I would never, before reading your comment, even consider they might mean going to the USA.
Not to disqualify your experience, it might very well be used like that in your country or language. I just thought it was a bit interesting.
> Your users would be breaking those terms, not you, as they do it on their own machine. As the parent said, just remove all reference to LinkedIn and you can move on.
Does not work from US. Twitter shows lots of people elsewhere having problems. Meta status page says everything is working though, https://metastatus.com/
Edit, ops did intended to make a submission with the Twitter search. Seems like I accidentally pasted the wrong link.