Very cool! looking forward to trying it out - the graphs reminded me of a toy project I'd done a while back to better understand deterministic and reproducible execution in python as seen in notebooks
Statically - basically just parsing the code into an AST and then walking through the tree to collect information about variable usage and definitions.
yep, also i think while they could have issues with dataset sizes less than 2^k, it's interesting to note their use in accelerating clustering algos like dbscan. they do make neat visualizations though
very cool! if you're exploring wasm for graphics, take a look at Wander- lets you create and execute "renderlets" — portable modules containing graphics data and code compiled to wasm
while it's true that wasm was originally designed to run primarily on the cpu(e.g., executed in a sandboxed environment on the main thread, which is generally managed by the cpu), the assumption that wasm only runs on the cpu might be becoming a bit dated. esp. as a result of webgpu and frameworks mentioned above, wasm is increasingly capable of executing on the gpu imho.
Very cool..exciting to see you tackling the modular architecture challenge head-on, and also wrt to dynamically imported modules..would also be interesting to see some sort of IDE integration for real-time feedback directly in the development workflow. Would be nice to have a discord community around this!
Congrats on the launch! Couple of quick questions: Are there any initiatives or resources planned for educational institutions to adopt atopile? Outside of GitHub, are there specific areas or tasks where you’re seeking community or volunteer contributions? Thanks!
Thanks! We definitely want to get involved on the education side. Currently we are super focused on building out the tool and growing a community around it. We are looking for people to use our tool and give feedback on what works and what sucks. Would be excited to chat about what you would want to see from an education standpoint!
cool, i believe this is a scenario where targeted educational/univ. chats could help further enterprise trials (or early constructive feedback). would be great to chat more on discord/email!
Actually, a few other cars had similar voice alert systems e.g., Mitsubishi and Oldsmobile.On the Oldsmobile the speech synthesis (Digitalker) was engineered by National Semiconductor. This page has more on it