Firebase is very much easy to get started for mobile apps. You have nice console to create project, and as developer you deal with just its SDK, one CLI and simple API. For something similar to Firebase in AWS, you need to make use of Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB, Cognito separate products, which has steep learning curve. And then you need to know the AIM security to get started. AWS has a Mobile Hub product which is trying to make things easy to create mobile apps by automate some of these AWS products for you. So now you have to learn awsmobile CLI tool on top of the core awscli tool. And if you develop for the web, they have this AWS Amplify Javascript library on top of basic JS SDK library which has a higher abstraction thus to make things simple (or worst). If you're new to AWS, you often struggle with which library should one learn and use. And if you use AWS Ampify and read the documents, it is as if the library is build for React. I'm not sure why AWS can be so married to one web stack. So much emphasis and priority is given to React and React Native in this library. They will give the excuse that React is what their customer wants. They now have mature React/React Native Amplify library thus giving the impression that to use AWS its better to use React/React Native. So they spend resource on AWS-Amplify, even move one of JS cognate-identity-js SDK under this umbrella, hoping the world will standardised on JavaScript and React Native for iOS, Android and web. So what happen if you're developing a mobile app using Unity, Xamarin and Flutter? No luck as they only have SDK for iOS, Android and web. Compare this with Firebase that has SDK for iOS, Android, web, Xamarin, Unity, Flutter and C++. AWS has an opportunity in AppSync to make a product as easy to get started as Firebase. What is required is native mobile SDK for iOS, Android, web, Flutter, Unity, Xamarin that is not just specific to AppSync and GraphQL, but also add in authentication, analytics etc APIs. Something like Firebase SDK API. AWS is still stronger for enterprise usage. And you can’t use Firebase in China due to its use of Google Play services. But Firebase is definitely a weapon used by Google to draw customers into other Google Clouds offering.
I thought of doing that many times. But decided it would be better to just wait for Haswell. We're not far from an era where we have CPUs that are both powerful and mobile. Just wait for them.
Good point. Android is ahead of Web apis, and Google have been adding android apis to the Web for a while (example intents). They just need to keep doing that until there's 1:1 feature parity, so we can develop apps for either one or the other as if they were the same. And the same apps would work predictably on both.
Yes you are missing something. Processor performance is not simply a function of number of cores and clock speed. There are vast differences between arm's architecture and x86.
Actually comparing Arm versus x86 is really like comparing apples to oranges. One is RISC, other is CISC. One is good with running multiple threads on single core with highly sophisticated branch prediction, other concentrates having many low powered cores each hoarding threads. And this is very, very crude simplification.
Benchmarks tend to be always favor other camp, depending which attributes you are testing.
Actually Intel chips are since long RISC based, with a CISC translation layer. The real difference is in the more advanced pipeline, prediction and cache and and of course the 32 vs 64 bit + other architectural features. Hence the intel chips use a lot more power than an ARM based processor.
This is not exactly true. In most cases intel's chips are more power hungry but the low power atom processors bring better performance than an ARM cortex A9 while still having lower power consumption. (mostly by racing to sleep faster) And this is a three year old architecture i'm talking about.
Build your own benchmark. Measure whatever you want to do. Or if you insist on standardized testing, use something like SPECInt 2006. Results here: (sadly no ARM results). Of course that is only for integer calculations, if you need fp, use SPECfp.
I don't see how being CISC rather than RISC results in any inherit advantage. "The CISC approach attempts to minimize the number of instructions per program, sacrificing the number of cycles per instruction. RISC does the opposite, reducing the cycles per instruction at the cost of the number of instructions per program."
Complete opposite. This board is full of people interested in startups and looking to get a better grasp of technology. But only a tiny minority here actually code, if you're looking for that you should probably try a more specific coding board or group.
Also, people around here are obsessed with, what they call "playing devil's advocate" or "offering a counter point". Which, in other parts of the planet would be called "trolling". But here that's encouraged as long as the post is well formatted enough to not immediately remind you of reddit.
Put those 2 together and it's very easy to understand the illogical negative posts on the top. It's just people trolling without technological insight. In fact, you'll hardly find any thread about a new technology on HN, which the top post isn't contrarian.
I don't think that's true at all. I would guess that the majority of HN users can code, and that many of them - certainly not a "tiny minority" - do on a regular basis. If HN polls are at all accurate, they seem to bear out that conclusion:
That is no excuse. Using that logic why don't you modify android to behave like ubuntu phone does and be done with it? After all android is open source too.
I'm not sure if that sentence means what you think it does. I do think android following a similar route with android for the pc would be a nice move on their part and add a little more competitiveness to the osx/windows/linux wars.
If you click on each sub-forum, you can see from the official response icon column, on the right. That most of the threads do get an answer. That's far from non-existent. I think their big failure here, has been to poorly communicate how people can get help, most don't know about the forums.
Name is almost as good as a great Brazilian django course, by the genius Henrique Bastos, called Welcome to the django:
But because he is the darling of the HN community (which seems odd, since many people here are interested in running startups), nobody cares.
I find the same thing happens with Al Gore. He made carbon credit laws that made him a billionaire and his supporters don't see this as filthy, corporate, greed. Yet, complain about the banks.
The only way to adjust business practices in a society that fetishizes deregulation is transferring money around. If the businesses can't/won't self-regulate, some action will be taken within the boundaries of what America will tolerate.
A much better action would certainly be to regulate, empowering the EPA and international health/safety standards bodies and skip over the middlemen entirely.
I cannot test it myself. But there are many people in the comments saying it doesn't work on either. Maybe it was only working when the uk version was outdated.
I tried it with a user agent string modifier (went to a few hours ago, and it worked. I tried it again, redirects me to the main search site.