One important thing that you should consider is that feelings are not facts. While facts do inform our feelings, that isn't always the case. Most people are average (sometimes even people who think they're good). Its not wrong to feel like a failure just like it isn't wrong to feel like you're a success/have made it. IMO, what is important is that you should strive to perform at YOUR best. If you're doing than then you're already successful. Give it all you have, and ignore the haters.
Chrome records everything you type in the address bar, everything you type in a textbox/form, every website you visit, everything you downloaded, button clicks, which ads you interact with, etc, etc. If any other software did that, it would be called a keylogger and malware. I wouldn't defend Google on privacy matters, but okay its your choice.
Products in the game space heavily differentiate from one another by "showing more" data (textures, models, detail, etc) or "doing more" with data - (massively multiplayer, more physics, ai, sound) or "doing it faster" - (more fps, low latency, etc)
Local compute resources are finite, and if you want to target the widest market, then you need to fully utilize mainstream hardware; which means anyone willing to do the grunt work benefits from a higher quality product.
If you're suggesting I'm angry, I'm not, I'm just pointing out something that I think should be fairly obvious: twitter has a very specific political bent and their actions reflect that.
Technology to have managed iOS devices is called MDM. Its mature technology that is already used for things like work-issued devices. What you want already exists. You're setting up a false choice.
Expecting Apple to fight your fights isn't going to solve anything. Apple only cares about money, and they're going to obediently abide by local laws (as they do in China). We need to take the power away from Apple and put it in an entity that we en-masse have influence with - such as a democratically elected government.
>If you want to run unsigned software or extensions you will have to boot into a recovery console and change the security model. The warning dialogs will be enough to discourage most use. Th
I think all of this is implying that Apple can be the only company that iOS users trust to sign software. Its a false choice.
Making things look "scary" to discourage users from trusting others is simply FUD.
Agreed. As it stands, macOS will treat un-Notarized apps as if they're radioactive, and the OS actively tricks the user into thinking such apps either don't work or are malicious. You have to pay the $100/year tax if you want your macOS app to compete on fair terms with other apps.
I wonder if Flickr wants to create a corpus of CC content so that they can launch a competitor to unsplash. A separate non-profit entity to limit liability sounds like a smart move. Or maybe I'm reading a cynical motive when there isn't one :)
i don't think you need to read that far to find a cynical motive - they want to collect donations to pay for the continued hosting of the content of their for-profit website. isn't keeping content online just what flickr is supposed to do?