In this game, I didn't use any centralized server or Oracle to implement MMO game. Every player has every activity information using blockchain. It helps Nekoyume decentralized. If you want to get details, please see the white paper.
I think that I don't need to educate what is blockchain. Could you give me another decentralized role-playing game which isn't using blockchain? If you can not, it is explained. Right? :)
No. You couldn't justify using expensive document timestamping system, so with
the hype around blockchain I can assume that you don't know what you need it
for and thus put it into use completely unnecessarily, just because it's hype
Hey, I think you don't understand what blockchain is. This is the reason why you mentioned distributed hash table. :( Can you explain how can I make trusted mmo lifecycle database if the system requires anyone can participate the node? I think you can't solve. If you can, explain it.
I think that you are feeling good when you scoff something new. It's not productive communication.
> Hey, I think you don't understand what blockchain is. This is the reason why you mentioned distributed hash table. :(
Oh, I understand blockchain quite well. Well enough to see when it's forced
into the role of DHT or some other protocol/structure that by itself was cheap
and efficient.
> Can you explain how can I make trusted mmo lifecycle database if the system requires anyone can participate the node? I think you can't solve. If you can, explain it.
With the vaguene requirements you have used here, just put a digital signature
on the data and you're done.
As I said, you haven't described why you need blockchain in particular. You
try to defend it by saying that you don't see any other way to implement
a distributed data store for your game, but it means nothing, especially with
the numbers of people blinded by blockchain hype. If you used just about any
other distributed protocol, I wouldn't even bat an eye, but with blockchain
you don't get the benefit of the doubt.
> I think that you are feeling good when you scoff something new.
No, just when I scoff somebody who uses the wrong thing in the wrong way for
the wrong reasons.
> With the vaguene requirements you have used here, just put a digital signature on the data and you're done.
Signatures ensure the integrity of the data, but more consensus is needed to ensure that the data is not deleted and is well maintained on the network. Your answer isn't enough to solve my problem. Although blockchain is not the only correct answer, blockchain is one of the solutions.
I don't say that blockchain is only and the best solution I think. If you think the better solution, let me know. scoffing isn't productive.
> Signatures ensure the integrity of the data, but more consensus is needed to ensure that the data is not deleted and is well maintained on the network.
DHT (with data duplication, obviously), I said already. Or gossip protocol.
You don't need consensus, and blockchain doesn't give you one either.
> Your answer isn't enough to solve my problem.
As you have stated the problem? Yes, it is enough.
Maybe there are some requirements that make a timestamping protocol necessary,
but you haven't provided any. As I said previously, if you use blockchain,
you have to defend your choice, because most of the people who build on top
of it don't understand it, use it in stupid ways, and just want something
trendy for the sake of being trendy. You need to prove that you aren't one of
them and that you are competent with it.
> Although blockchain is not the only correct answer, blockchain is one of the solutions.
Very expensive solution, applied because you don't understand what it is and
why and when would you need one (if you did, you'd explain the necessity for
blockchain long time ago).
So you are claiming expensive timestamping protocol, right? Yes, maybe I don't need to use proof of work. but my deterministic random consensus requires PoW for some reason. If you can suggest an alternative for that, I'm very happy for that. (The reason why I need to use proof of work is described in the white paper)
No, "nobody has done it" isn't an explanation for why something doesn't work. Otherwise, I could have said "making a RPG with blockchain is impossible" before you did yours, which clearly is nonsense.
Thanks PG. I've have the same idea about this economy problem and startup. This article gives me to lots of passion! I'll send this link to all of my co-workers.
I'll provide source code and client application. At that time, you can use your favorite private key to play the game.