I just finished a dice game for iOS called Tripps (also known as 3s). The point is to score less than your opponent and 3s count as zero points. My friends and I often played this at parties so I decided to turn it into an app.
I like this concept. I tried to signup to give it a try with my iPad app iJuror but it looks like the App Search only looks for iPhone or Universal apps. Is there another way to go about adding an iPad only app?
Thanks for the response - your advice is greatly appreciated. Do you notice that customers are more inclined to choose the in person, webinar, or prerecord option? Or is it usually different on a case by case basis?
I've been looking for a forum such as this to use in my own apps. I get a good deal of feature requests for my iJuror iPad app and this seems to be a good way to determine which feature requests are the most desired versus the current approach of listening to the loudest/most persistent voice.
I've always liked how Dropbox has their Votebox page and this is something I look forward to using in my apps. Well done.
I'm just about to hit 30 and taking more entrepreneurial risks. I feel like the knowledge I've gained in the business world is immensely helpful.
In general, it seems that the older you get, the opportunity costs for risks increase. Not just monetarily speaking but also other things you may have to cut back on - family, friends, etc.
i'm in the same boat and struggling with the same issues. on the verge of 30 it becomes more of a game of weighing the pros and cons.
does this startup idea have enough potential that it's worth leaving my full time job? and if so, how am i going to keep paying these damn student loans? etc.
Screenshots: http://a2.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple4/v4/56/ad/7c/56ad7c61-b...
App Store Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/tripps-dice-game/id856299408...