Tried it a couple of months ago, and it ran like ass. Could be due to older hardware? Serving PC is core 2 duo 6850, and htpc it was playing on is core 2 duo 6400. Wired fast ethernet connection.
You want the serving pc to have hardware accelerated video encoding (e.g. Intel Quick Sync), otherwise it runs terribly. Similarly, the client should have hardware accelerated decode, but that is very common.
Doesn't that piss you off that those types of classes are not around anymore? I'm a bit older, so our machine shop was all manual WW2 surplus lathes and mills. Our well equipped woodshop had a teacher with requisite missing digits.
It's been ~3yrs since I've graduated high school, but my high school (top in the county and an 'A' school in Florida) didn't have any electronics, shop, or computer science classes. I vaguely remember almost taking "Web Development" thinking they would go into PHP or something like that, but apparently they just made small sites on Microsoft Word and played video games the entire class. Such a shame.
So much anger. My sisters boy just turned 21. His dad is a electrician and always stressed that he should do jobs that can't be outsourced. Corey just got a union job for 30 a hour as a carpenter.
I don't know if they kind of back slid over the years, But what you learned in high school sound similar to what I did in high school in the late 70s. I used to love playing with the radio shack electronic experimenters kit with spring terminals and color coded wires too!
This. You never know what could come back to bite you. You can apply for a job, and one thing you said years ago doesn't agree with who is hiring. Some crazy bastard becomes a cop and decides to look you up on facebook when he is back in his car writing a ticket, turns out he has a thing against Jews (Godwin'ing!). Once the info is stored, there is no getting rid of it. Best not to store it to begin with.
Was a bit concerned with weight until I plateaued. Now I realize I am in a lot better shape, including blood sugar and lipids, even though I am stuck at this weight. I keep up the exercise and don't worry about the waistline so much. It is funny when I workout though. All these skinny people around the gym not sweating at all. If you don't sweat, I don't see why they bother.
It won't play anywhere but small pockets of a few cities where people have a lot of money and want to pay crazy amounts of money for a cup of coffee. I really don't understand why people are investing so much money in this and why it needs that much investment. I see very nice coffee shops open all the time, sell perfectly fine coffee for a quarter the price and they don't need millions in investment.
I don't agree with that. Bluebottles, while hardly cute, aren't reviled in the UK at all, and they are the only commonly-seen fly that one might regard as even slightly attractive.
For many they are simply a memory of childhood, watching insects buzzing against a window on a hot summer's day.