We think it solves a different problem than Acunote. From our own experience, tools often get in the way of working and Acunote does a lot more than we and other small teams need.
And as I eluded to in another comment, we think Splendid Bacon lets you use tools like Acunote to manage the backlog and other details or accomplish other similar project tasks.
First, this app is 48 hours old so we didn't have too much time to build features. We'll likely introduce new stuff later on.
Second, this tool is actually more for project portfolio management than project management per se. The goal is to let teams use the tools that they like for ticketing, bug reports, etc. and focus more on scheduling, resourcing and overview of the projects in an organization.
Currently we have GitHub integration with commit messages updating the project activity stream. We have plans to introduce other integrations like this.
Yeah I figured as much, I just wanted to tell you what I thought it was missing, not complain about the lack of features.
Anyways it seems as if you guys want to only focus on the overview of the project management side and not on the task management side or collaboration side, which in my book is OK because most products make a mess of those things when done in tandem.
If you want to focus on only that for now my advice is to implement milestones first (you said you wanted to focus on scheduling and this is the cornerstone of scheduling IMO) and change the timeline to have less thick bars and emphasize milestones instead of project beginnings and endings (though this should be shown also off course), and figure out which direction you plan to take... collaboration angle, the task based angle, the "I only need a Gantt chart" oldschool project management angle, etc.
Overall I feel you guys have gotten the design idea quite nicely of what the needs in simple project management are, you just need to decide which type of project manager you're going to market to.