Thanks. I noticed there is a little incongruency with the GoRails videos, although I only just starting looking. I've taught myself a bunch of things with PBL, so I'm a believer.
The guide is looking like a good start.
Found your comment on the topic from two years ago, funny enough.
That's encouraging. How long did it take you vs how much time invested in learning until you felt confident in your abilities? ...recognizing ofc that everyone learns and performs differently.
I was also reading Design Patterns in Ruby during that time, and it's been over 8 years since that happened so it's all a bit fuzzy.
I remember being completely new to Rails and spinning up a licensing server for a project, which would eventually become Keygen, within a couple weeks. But this was also after writing an internal CLI tool in Ruby, so I already felt quite proficient in Ruby at the time having spent ~6 months with it prior to Rails.
The guide is looking like a good start.
Found your comment on the topic from two years ago, funny enough.